Echo's Sound



3 years, 2 months ago


Echo, an odd wolf-dog who was wakened [made sapient] by some fey creature when he was young, only to be attacked and almost killed later on in life when some human kids thought it would be funny to chase him into the junkyard and watch him choke when his neck got caught in some barbed wire.

Somehow, someway, he managed to get out after nearly dying, though the memory of that moment is so strong that those barbed wires will reappear on them when he gets stressed, as if he was never able to get them off of him in the first place.

After spending some time just existing after this incident and just generally being lonely, he found what he thought at the time was a wierd kitten doll while rummaging around in the trash for food. The only notable things about it was it's wierd pattern and how looking at it made him very tired, so he snatched it up and decided to use it as a sleeping buddy.

Next thing he knew when he woke up next is that apparently the little doll wasn't actually a doll, but was in fact a very loud and hungry kitten, who he ended up naming Canyon.

-The Pink stuff is not blood. It's like a slime.