


Basic Info


Shenzi Snowden

Alias Names:

Blind Eye, Freya


Striped Tabby Cat






Skilled Assassin and Raptor Tamer

Relationship Status:

Married to Franklin Snowden


Meet Freya. She is my oldest OC in terms of creations that I own. She was my character for a game called Gaia Online that I created over 10 years ago. She was created to be my main character used for their experimental MMO ZOMG. I drew some fanart of her and then for 10 years that art got lost in the abyss of my room. 10 years later I was cleaning out my room and I found the old prints. I still love this character and so I decided to give her a revival. She was designed to be a tough girl who seeks high risk with high rewards kind of jobs. She was trained to be an assassin and can hold her own plenty in a fight even without her raptors backing her up. She owns and uses two raptors when she's on the job. She has an adult black raptor she named Shadow that she uses to ride and to hunt with. The other raptor is a white raptor hatchling that she has named Dawn. Together they are a lethal group of trained killers looking for their next job. From Espionage to Bounty Hunting she does it all. The higher the risk the more thrill she gets out of it. Later she revealed after she started dating her soon to be husband that Freya is an alias name and that her true name is Shenzi. After marriage she decided to change her name back to her original name by request of her husband.