
3 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info



Alias & Nicknames:

Interceptor | Adrest (Nymeria) | Little Dove (Karen) | Yuuki (Marianette) | Aidan


Demigirl (She/They)


17 (Act 1) | 18 (Act 2)


1.60m | 5'2


September 30

Interceptor Title:





- Usually Kind and friendly.
- She's quite protective toward her friends and people she cares about.
- Despite cosidering Team Xen as her enemy, It's very rare for her to genuiely despise or hate someone.
- Usually trains different types of pokemon, but has some winged pokemon in her team.
- She prefer to hide many details about her journey and about herself to people who aren't aware. The reason? She genuiely believes that people will not believe her.

- As for Ch15, she's in a relationship with Aelita and is in love with Ren
- Robin was her first pokemon when she arrived at Aevium

- Her Interceptor skills makes her able to understand any language, including pokemon speech

--- Interceptor form info ---

- The Interceptor form its a battle form she usually uses when trainin or to fight dangerous enemies. Shes capable to fight on her own.
- There are two form. A half power form (50%) and the full power form (100%). She can can freely choose and switch between them, but prefer to switch to full power only when truly needed.
- Has a bow and infinite arrows of energy as weapon. The arrows never pierce a living being, they disappear at contact instead.
- Both form has a pair of traluscent blue featherly wings. she's able to fly with them.

--- Interceptor Abilites ---

- Unleashed Power: Release a powerful punch or beam. This can break barriers like Light Screen/reflect (50% form only) or like Protect (100% form).
- Blinding Speed: Charge at a blinding speed (Both form)
- Elysian Shield: Summon an energy shield on herself. This will reduce any damage by half of an upcoming attack (50% form) or fully negate it (100% form)
- Domain Shift: Changes the enviroment of the battlefield at random (50% form) or at choice (100% form)
- Hundred Arrows: Numerous arrows falls from the sky. Every one of them cause reduce damage (50% form) or Average damage each (100% form)

- Thanks to the Interceptum-Z, her pokemon can use one of the Half Power Form's moves. Jay doens't need to be transformed to use this Z-Crystal.