Basic Info


Nina Rue

True Name:

Willow Gallant


Body for Hire


Sharp shooting, Reanimation/Regeneration




Rue is an OC in which I've kinda thrown to different places. She's originally from a fandom i was in a long time ago, but she ended up becoming a placeholder for OCs.
She holds a special place in my heart and thus is now the One character I will throw around into new fandoms or just; things in general due to being able to place her mostly within situations.

At the moment; she's kinda in Bioshock? While that runs rampant in my head.
This song i feel kinda fits her at times.


Someone who just showed up in Rapture one day and worked with Sinclair Solutions until her blackout until Bioshock 2 event's. Unable to use Plasmids or Gene Tonics, however, cannot die at all and seems to be stuck at the age of 41, though mentally much older.

Rue has multiple aliases to go by; She worked with Sinclair Solutions as: Rey Seabridge. But has other Alias as Jackie T Kirk, Leia Skywalker, Larrikin.
Her true name is: Willow Gallant
Irish Born and moved to the US when she was younger, She was caught in an Altercation during her own Wedding in which she died protecting those she loved. But due a mess with Space-Time, her body regenerated and she awoke during her own funeral, her marriage and family destroyed as they rejected her.
 She found herself upon a certain train when she ended up hurled from the carriage into the world of Rapture.
+ She enjoys tinkering with Machines as a side thing and has a mass knowledge of Ships, Boats and Wrecks.
+ Rue has a list of Deaths which have been most painful, number one is being eaten alive.

Though at the moment, she travels with the Big Daddy Psi who seems to have taken to her in this underwater nightmare as they try and find their way out.