Cynthia's Comments

id love to offer for them! anyone in this folder interest you? if not, id be willing to do artwork for them :)

Hiya!! I sadly didnt see anyone id connect to :')) tho if be willing to accept some art!! How much would ya be willing to offer? :0

okay! i can offer as much ad youd like for them.

Alralr!! Ohh im not very good with picking smth like that hmmm... do you think you could mabe to like, a fullbody, a half and maybe a headshot? Or would that be too much?! ^^

thats fine!! who would you like me to draw?

Awesome!!! :0000 Could you perhaps draw these three? :DD

Fullbody: (preferably with the mask but if thats too hard, withoud is ok too!!)


Headshot: (he belongs to my gf haha! Would love to get her some art as a gift!)

If any of those would be to hard then lmk and ill pick someone else!! :DD 

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