


7 years, 18 days ago



Name Garrett Burkert
Gender Male (he/him)
AlignmentLawful Neutral


Garrett is a professional campaign runner who chooses his candidates based on how unlikely it is for them to run. Although he avoids people who are in favor of any type of censorship out of intellectual values, he doesn't tend to care what the policies of his candidates are. He's a gambler who delights in beating fate. Garrett is the mostly mortal son of Zeus and Hera, and he grew up in the mortal realm with a few divine gifts. He's preternaturally good at politics and manipulation and is unearthly charismatic. Hera claimed him at a young age and with her visit he gained some divine items. Specifically, he has an earring which can turn into a cool sword and glasses that let him see the strings of fate. He treasures his connection with his mother and is very proud of the fact that he's a son of Hera, even if he can't talk about it to his mortal friends. He resents his father because, to be honest, Zeus is a horrible father and a worse husband. He probably would've been a scholar of ancient Greece if Zeus didn't show up so often in mythology. Garrett is happy being a political tactician and deceiving people instead, hopping from campaign to campaign and relishing the challenge of making the public like people. He may fear failure but that doesn't stop him. It's always the most interesting when you don't know what'll happen next.

Raised by a small town mayor in Northern California, Garrett grew up respecting the gods even before he learned his true heritage. His adoptive father was chosen by Hera for his relative local prominence and his obsession with Greek mythology. He isn't aware of his son's blood parentage, but he was a doting father and a supportive figure in Garrett's life. Hera visited her son in middle school after Garrett engineered the removal of the slightly-racist school principal because he was making Dante uncomfortable. Hera came bearing gifts: Garrett's signature sword earring, a pair of mystical glasses, advice to be a bit more subtle next time, and the knowledge that he was the child of gods. He threw himself into studying Greek mythology and became simultaneously proud to be the child of the queen of the gods and disgusted by Zeus's many callous actions against his queen.

He is now in a party of other scions tasked with guarding a meeting of the gods. He's been absolutely useless so far, having been captured by a lindworm. His party freed him but he feels rather useless right now. It doesn't help that his skillset is mostly useless in battle and another member of his party is better than him at everything anyway.

Garrett on-the-job and Garrett-at-home are different enough that his closest colleagues don't recognize him, which is largely intentional. When at work, he likes to appear as professional and sharp as possible, usually sporting a suit and lacking earrings or any sort of accessories. At home (or when adventuring) he likes to wear things that either actually look good or have symbolic importance to him. He wears a peacock feather is his hair sometimes and has many peacock-themed accessories. He likes earrings and when not wearing his sword-earring he keeps it in his pocket. When he was younger he had a ponytail but he cut his hair so as not to stand out in politics.


  • an idiot
  • his favorite food is falafel
  • his cooking is really bland because he doesn't like spice unless he's really used to it
  • hates Zeus's guts and doesn't consider him his father
  • will pick a fight with anyone defending Zeus
  • enjoys a good come-from-behind victory
  • an insomniac idiot who goes by his middle name because his first name is too embarrassing
  • has a collection of pipes he doesn't know how to use 
  • he doesn't want to use them anyway, he's scared of asphyxiation and smoking restricts your airflow, it's why he hates ties
  • will go to great lengths to avoid ties but needs to look professional so sometimes resorts to sweater-vests
  • good with kids because Dante has a lot of little siblings
  • likes pomegranates and pies of all sorts
  • peacock color palette
  • has a variety of showy and subtle earrings for all occasions, including a pair of smaller peacock-feather earrings Dante gave him for their first anniversary; when he was younger he only wore his one sword earring and it took around five years for him to pierce the other ear
  • glasses are more for the magic fate-viewing and aesthetics than vision problems
  • his adoptive dad Jake Burkert is retired and Garrett keeps forgetting to call him
  • looks up to his mom but she's never proud of him no matter what he does
  • wants to meet Athena




Dante ( husband )
Garrett's childhood best friend and husband. They were on-and-off friends and lovers for a long time before finally getting married when they turned 30 and decided they were old enough to have it figured out. Dante is calmer than Garrett and is often amused by his partner's excitability when the chips are down. He's a metal-sculptor who's always quick with a snappy comeback and Garrett loves the stability and comfort he provides.

Davis ( cousin )
The son of Hephaestus and technically Garrett's nephew despite being two years older, he's a tank and really good to hide behind. He makes Garrett feel a little safer, so lately he's been hanging around Davis at all times, just in case.

Valentino ( party member )
A somewhat corrupt policeman in possible control of Las Vegas, he's a scion and a business associate of Garrett's. They get along well, both having some form of control over the mayor of the city and an understanding of mutual benefit to help each other out.

Bernard ( party member )
A senior adventurer who's taken Garrett under his wing without him knowing. Garrett hasn't noticed, but Bernard but some sort of magical tracker on him after the incident with the lindworm. He seems reliable if a bit senile.

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