A Lo Prowl



3 years, 2 months ago


A Lo Prowl



A Lo Prowl

Hair Style and Length

Bed hair - long



Hair Color

Two colored - "Melrose" and "Fog"


Male / He / Him

Eye Color

Royal Blue, white pupils

Sexual Orientation


Body Build

Toned upper body - Pizza slice


Artic Anima [Snow owl]


5'10 / 177.8 cm


Zephyr Islands


130 lbs / 58.9 kg


Saelwen 5







Special Skill: Impressionist

Details of the Special Skill: Imitating, impersonating, or voice cloning. Such can be of the sounds and mannerisms of people, objects, or animals. This includes A can mimic the speech patterns and enabling him to pass himself off as a native speaker of a particular land, provided that he knows the language.

Character Skills

Sharp eyes

A's eyes are capable of seeing in total darkness and low-light conditions. Makes it useful for him to work in the dark hours and spot small movements.


Making traps, detecting traps. A's earlier years in Silvermoon with his family have given him a good understanding of what works and what doesn't.


A's talons on his hands are natural weapons, big and scary but super effective for handle nimble work where tools could be used.


Language something that has always been easy for A as breathing is. He has an easy time learning and adapts to new languages.


Merchant Rank [ 1 ]

Strenght [ 1 ]

Agility [ 2 ]

Magic [ 4 ]

Insightt [ 1 ]

Knowledge [ 0 ]

Charm [ 5 ]

Resistance [ 0 ]

Magic Skills - Wind Fester

Silence Wave

With a subtle hand motion does A uses the air to create a thin cloak of sound blocking waves around a visible target. All sound can be stopped: No noise whatsoever issues from, enters, or passes through the area. The target can end up either muted, deafened, or both depending on what A's intention with casting the spell is. The effect is stationary unless cast on a mobile object. The waves can be centered on a creature, and the effect then radiates from the creature and moves as it moves. Items in a creature’s possession or magic items that emit sound receive the benefits of saves. Creatures affected by silence waves are immune to sonic or language-based attacks, spells, and effects.


A projectile formed of air intense compressed together leaps unerringly from A to a target within range. He needs a medium like a gun, crossbow, etc for it to harm. Otherwise, will it feel like a slap where the target gets hit.

Whispering Wind

He can send a message or sound on the wind to a designated spot. The whispering wind travels to a specific person that is familiar to A. It can't pass through walls, for instance. It then delivers its whisper-quiet message or other sounds. The message is delivered regardless of whether anyone is present to hear it.


One...Two.....Three... How many do you have left?

The sand was painted in red, leading a path to a young, plucked bird anima child with tired eyes staring with hatred and grudges.

A Lo is the sole survivor of a group of nomads that had the misfortune to cross a deep part of the Northern region of Silvermoon Mountain. The troupe slowly fell ill and died from the inhospitable environment, A Lo was the only one left alive. Call it luck, call it fate, the child survived another day.

Finding that his cries attracted nearby creatures, he was taken to use as bait by a group of lawbreaking scavengers who brought him with them on their route to the South Region to sell their stolen goods to tourists, it wasn't their first time nor the last. As he grew older he learned his role in life, his role in this group. A Lo learned to imitate sounds of different animals to attract creatures, and sometimes passing people, to become the target of these rudderless people to avoid getting beat himself. After some good raids the past months, the group took off as they decided they wanted to celebrate it in Sicca Desert at one of their festivals. On the way towards the desert. The group held their first break in Ujes'hycc. A Lo contemplate, thinking. Trying to find a moment of escape. When night came and the last drink had been consumed. A ran away, finally after four months of captivity, trying to piece together the way back home towards to mountains.

He was taken by a group of passing Silveilians travelers who thought he was stranded due to unfortunate circumstances in the outskirts of Ujes'hycc. They brought A Lo back to the civilization of Silvermoon in an attempt to figure out how he survived in the desolate wasteland of the desert.

A Lo's birthplace is unknown but is considered Silvermoon as he got found and adopted around Ujes'hycc. Where he stated himself about the horrible experience. Life isn't fair and the couple wanted the best for A Lo. But you need to know once truly value - to hunt or be hunted. A Lo got into the family business of hunting, stripping animals and creatures from skin and bones after his physical recovery. The anima found enjoyment in plucking feathers the most, how it reminded himself, but the power now was in no other than in his own hands. Capturing them, deciding their fate. This went on for over a year so the anima could find a piece in his mind before starting school. 

As the family business continued the plague had taken the most vulnerable around to live for, forcing A Lo's family to travel more frequently. Which meant even more difficult hunts. He had found himself able to conceal his sounds, being screams to clapping. It didn't matter. But it was helpful as the silent predator. He found calmness in himself when exploring the way of magic, how he could use his potential more than only to be a tool for others but to help himself move forward.

Time went by and A had set his eyes on Zephyr Islands, for various reasons after servicing in the military.

He wanted to take the business of hunting further, having his family move with him, and be part of a proper guild of merchandise. An old argument heated up and A Lo left his family in an awkward moment at the age of twenty-three, joining the World Bazaar Merchant Guild. Leaving his"boomer" parents to themself to start his own business on Zephyr Islands knowns as "Pandora's Box". 


Raw meat
Harsh sunlight
Being poor
Having his hair brushed
Overly sweet food

+ P a t i e n t + 

Time is something he has enough of, as long you know how to use it. Being with children, listening to customers. Not a problem. He will wait if needed.

 + L o y a l + 

When the man has set he can trust you, he will always have a hand out for you. But be careful not to break the trust as it hardly can be build again.

 + C r e a t i v e + 

A figured out a long time ago he needs to think outside of the box in his work field. Not one day is the same and he appreciates that and loves it. He sometimes gets caught up in new ideas before he knows it.

 C o m p o s e d 

He has a mature aura around himself, showing he can handle emotional breakdowns. The world is dying and so are people, and other living creatures. Someone needs to keep their head in the right place, right? Though, he can come across as emotionless if he doesn't have a reason to show you a different side of himself

 I d i o s y n c r a t i c 

It can come as a surprise for many that A has some rather unique way of tackling some... Situations compared to others. It will make them turn their head an extra time.

 W i t t y 

Even if he is composed it doesn't hold the anima back to come with some jokes when he feels the time is right. Though, the timing is just not always right for everyone.

 - S a d i s t i c  - 

The man enjoys his job, maybe a bit too much. Call it bad childhood or maybe he was born like this but finds big enjoyment in being in control, snapping the neck, or pull the feathers of the avian creatures he had caught. When others are in pain, unconscious a smile creeps upon his lips.

 - H o l d i n g   a   g r u d g e  - 

Normally, A has good reasons to hold a grudge, although sometimes they can be unreasonable and he will hold onto them for a long time.

 - I m m a t u r e  - 

Do not get deceived by his soft voice and good behavior. A can't always hold himself back, being out of jest or just from pranks, shenanigans, there are no rules until he feels satisfied once again.



Character Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non diam dignissim, auctor erat ac, tincidunt lorem. Cras sagittis dolor sit amet turpis dapibus mollis. Suspendisse volutpat sit amet nisl sit amet aliquet. Vivamus convallis turpis nulla, sit amet aliquet nulla fermentum vitae. Curabitur dignissim rutrum lacus nec finibus. Sed sit amet elit eget sapien pretium imperdiet. Sed accumsan dolor ac dui mattis, eget dignissim dui blandit. Sed accumsan, risus non tincidunt porta, urna nibh mattis turpis, et faucibus nisl nibh non eros.


Character Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non diam dignissim, auctor erat ac, tincidunt lorem. Cras sagittis dolor sit amet turpis dapibus mollis. Suspendisse volutpat sit amet nisl sit amet aliquet. Vivamus convallis turpis nulla, sit amet aliquet nulla fermentum vitae. Curabitur dignissim rutrum lacus nec finibus. Sed sit amet elit eget sapien pretium imperdiet. Sed accumsan dolor ac dui mattis, eget dignissim dui blandit. Sed accumsan, risus non tincidunt porta, urna nibh mattis turpis, et faucibus nisl nibh non eros.


Character Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non diam dignissim, auctor erat ac, tincidunt lorem. Cras sagittis dolor sit amet turpis dapibus mollis. Suspendisse volutpat sit amet nisl sit amet aliquet. Vivamus convallis turpis nulla, sit amet aliquet nulla fermentum vitae. Curabitur dignissim rutrum lacus nec finibus. Sed sit amet elit eget sapien pretium imperdiet. Sed accumsan dolor ac dui mattis, eget dignissim dui blandit. Sed accumsan, risus non tincidunt porta, urna nibh mattis turpis, et faucibus nisl nibh non eros.


Color Palette


  • He can sleep standing and occasionally takes naps like this too
  • A Is tone-deaf, he can't sing no matter what
  • A has a notebook with various drawings he made himself
  • He has a fault mouth if he isn't careful
  • God has created him with the coldest hands in mankind
  • Break a promise with A and he will break your kneecaps
  • He unconsciously clicks his tongue when in a bad mood
  • He likes to do free fall if he needs to clear his mind or think through something - he wouldn't mind taking someone with him.
  • He owns a crossbow 
  • He will react to both "ey" and "ah"
  • His name is an anagram from "polar owl"


• Credit things here. Ideas include:
• Design by PlaceHolder
• About Page Art by PlaceHolder
• Relationship Icon One by PlaceHolder
• Reference Page Art by PlaceHolder
• Code by rimucode


• Write your permissions here. Ideas include:
• For trade? What for?
• For sale? How much?
• Can people draw this character?
• Can people include gore in those drawings?
• Can people include sexual content in those drawings?
• Can people include other sensitive content in those drawings?