


3 years, 1 month ago



**[ B A S I C ]**

**Age:** 10 moons

**Gender:** Male

**Clan/Tribe:** Knollclan

**Rank:** Apprentice

**[ P H Y S I C A L ]**

**Fur Color/Pattern:** Navy and Slate-y blue

**Eye Color:** Dark green

**Overall:** A huge muscular apprentice with thick dense fur that is usually messy and unkempt. He has a huge bite mark on the side of his coat due to a dog attack which happened to him when he was a kit. He also has dark green orbs and a short tail that almost seemed kinked as it was nearly deformed at birth.

**[ A B O U T ]**


(+) Faithful, Adventurous, Considerate, Generous

(=) Reserved, Neutral, Soft, Stubborn

(-) Insecure, Dependent, Blunt, Messy

**Backstory:** Working on it but it involves a dog attack when he stuck out from camp one day

**[ O T H E R ]**

**Family:** N/A

**Generation:** Gen 1

**Image:** By enouement #5111