
3 years, 2 months ago


Bay Laurin

Name Bay
Age 20
Gender Female
Race Unkown hybrid
Role Lake protector
Theme TBD


  • Water
  • Lizards
  • Children
  • Cooking


  • Dancing
  • Leeches
  • Intrusions
  • Fire

straightforward . dutiful . kind

Bay is a straightforward, optimistic individual who enjoys caring for the people and environment around her. She lives in an isolated tribe of 'hybrids', a species not common enough yet to be considered a race in Iorus. She has many deep connections to water dwelling reptiles, and if it weren't for her tattoos she would dry out and suffocate after some time on land. She deeply cares for the tribe she lives in, and hopes someday to have a wife and adopt a daughter to care for. She spends most of her days at her job, tending to the lake - keeping it unpolluted, scaring away land predators, protecting it against natural disasters and the like. The river is considered sacred to the tribe, especially to water based hybrids, as it is attributed with their ability to live, and is coincidentally where water based infants spend most of their time until old enough to tattoo. The tattoos on her arm are both magical and of extreme significance to the tribe - each stroke means something different. One for when she became an adult, another to state her job, another to display her weaponry, one meaning her name, one that both shows her species and grants magical resistance to drying out and two short strokes to display that she is neither taken nor has children. If that ever happens, they will be extended to display her new information, as most tattoos are made in a way they can be adjusted later in life. 

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