


3 years, 2 months ago


"Are you challenging me?"

Name Luana
Age 19
Vision Cryo
Gender Female
Nation Mondstadt
Pronouns She/her
Weapon Catalyst
Constellation Cygnus

"You can't deny that visions look super stylish!"
  • She can be drawed without her cape, but try to keep her vision on her(this circle blue thing)
  • Vision (circle thing on her cape) glows and has a snowflake symbol inside (like this one)
Reference Here

Luana is an alchemist and part of Investigation Team of Knights of Favonius. However, rather than performing experiments, she prefer to translate or decipher ancient scripts and books about it. Her goal is to reveal forgotten alchemy secrets covered by the dust of time.

She likes to spend time alone with her books and isn't fond of being disturbed. She's quite confident young woman, who pays a lot of attention to the way she looks. She's pretty straightforward, what some may find rude. She's really reliable and she can't stand people that aren't.

Even though she isn't someone who enjoys outdoors activity, exploring ruins bring her a weird sense of excitement and she oftens leave Mondstadt for her expeditions, during which she searches for things that may be useful for her understanding of the history and art of alchemy.


solitary social
observent dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

"Don't you dare!"
Normal attack - Dance of Stilettoo

Creates small ice stilettos and shoots them at opponents, dealing Cryo Damage. Performs up to 3 attacks.

Elemental Skill - Dance of Swans

Creates three shields with swan image that float around character and stay for next 10 seconds and block all psychical attacks. Performing skill restore 10% HP of all party's characters.

Elemental Burst - Dance of Blades

For next 10 seconds, her normal attacks take form of three ice blades that stabs opponents and deal twice the Cryo DMG. If performed alongside Dance of Swans, restore 40 % of all characters' HP.


Luana was born in Mondstadt. Her family owned a small bakery. She spent all days there, helping her parents serve customers and helping with her little sister. She always thought that she was going to inherit the family business and spend all her days there. That was until one day, when she was in the library, she stumbled upon alchemy book. It was full of different terms she couldn't understand, but she managed to get the overall hang of the content and every page fascinated her. She started asking the librarian questions about it and woman soon found her easier book on that topic. She would always borrow alchemy books and study them so hard that she memorized most of them over few nights. She wanted to know more!

Her parents couldn't really understand her obsession. They were happy that their child is showing interest in studying, but in their opinion she could use her energy to study something more suitable for a mere bakery owner. They came to conclusion that if she has time for things like that, she doesn't have enough house chores. They wanted her to bake, cook, clean, but it just wasn't her thing. She knew that she wasn't much help in bakery and that she's not the right one to inherit it. On the other hand, her sister had all the time to learn and read to herself - but she wasted them on playing around and meeting new friends. Luana was envious of her - she could do everything she wanted.

She was close to giving up on her goal. She accepted her fate and started coming to the library less and less often. When she promised herself that she's only just going to read one last alchemy book and give up, she found a piece of jewerly in her backpack. It was shining brightly. She took it in her trembling hands and she couldn't believe her eyes, as she saw a Vision right in front of her.

It gave her a push she needed. She confronted her parents about what she wants to do in her life. They said that they'll support her no matter what she does, but it was clear for her that they don't understand her decision. She focused on learning, pushing away her family. And when the time has come, she became who she always wanted to be.


  • She knows some phrases in Hilichurlian, though it's not enough to communicate, so she has to gesticulate a lot when encountering Hilichurls.
  • She may not seem like that type of person, but she swears a lot.
  • She's really scared of bugs and panics every time she sees one, puts her elemental skill on and tries to stab it with her elemental skill, which always ends up as disaster, because bugs are so small she has hard time aiming for them.
  • She has a soft spot for cats and often visits Cat's Tail.
  • She is a terrible cook, but she'd never admit it. She's so proud that she'd rather eat food made herself, pretend its delicious and later suffer from digestion problems than admit that it looks and tastes like disaster.
  • She's scared of heights and gliding and that's why she doesn't have a gliding license.

Please, leave, I'm working.
Birthday 16.02
Sexuality Hetero
Rarity ✦✦✦✦
Ascension materials Shivade Jade
Hoarfrost Core
Dandelion Seeds
Samachurl Scrolls

Designer Plamciaq
Icon Plamciaq


One paragraph would look best but you can go wild!

The relationship box/section does NOT scroll but like before, there's instructions if you want it. The content itself doesn't scroll by default but I think it's better this way, especially if you plan to write a lot!


Sucrose? She's a good friend of mine I guess. She's really good to work with and I really enjoy talking to her - she knows a lot about alchemy and we have quite a lot in common. We never run out of topic! Though, I'd really appreaciate it, if she threw away this jar of hers with that big spider inside... Or at least hide it when I pay her a visit!


Huh, why do you ask? He's really talented and I admire his dedication to his work, as a fellow alchemist! I'm glad I'm working for him! Experiments he performs most of the time are quite dangerous though... Well, you know what, let's stop this conversation for now - I wouldn't want to be caught talking about my boss behind his back! I want to apply for a salary rise, you know!