


3 years, 1 month ago


- has two sets of sharp horns protruding from his head
- two sets of red eyes; one positioned normally, and the other set directly below those (these are normally closed, though). no irises
- long nails + sharp teeth, forked tongue
- exposed bone on his left leg (he makes sure it's not hidden by his clothes so he looks spooooky~)
- red spider lilies grow on him and occasionally ooze the blood of his victims
- wears a spider lily wreath as a crown
- hair in a long braid, black to red ombre. more spider lilies grow here!!
- stands at about 8ft, fairly lithe build
- has a pet albino cerberus that he can summon, "rasha". acts as a partner in crime
- wears mostly white. as a game, he tries to keep himself spotless while killing (same goes for his white companion)

extra personal info:
- a very chaotic man who enjoys causing destruction and misunderstandings
- difficult to have an actual conversation with because he can't take anything seriously
- will wave his true intentions right in front of your face, but will take his time with his tactics
- an extremely patient man. it's hard to make him irritated
- will feign innocence in the blink of an eye (albeit very sarcastically)
- literally a badass. will ride a motorcycle through a ring of fire... without a helmet
- has a soft spot for literally nothing (yet)
- his job as a demon is to answer the calls and beckons of whomever summons him and carry out their demands (as he is known for his brutal and unrelenting violence, he is most often called upon for carrying out murders of all kinds)
- a fallen angel, but couldn't be bothered to remember what sin he committed or rule he broke