


3 years, 2 months ago


~~~ short bio for him:

Name: Habanero (hobs for short)

gender: they/him/it

Species: imp

Age: early 20’s

Job: assistant (not assigned to anyone yet). For now, he does random work around the office.

Personality: friendly guy, a bit out of touch with how to socialize with people but that doesn’t stop him from trying. He hasn’t gotten the gist that most old timer workers at the company don’t like him because of his loud and awkward behavior. He found that being “the snacks guy” nets him some friends, mainly the imps, nwc armed forces, and any office workers who’ll tolerate him in return for food. He gives everyone whatever snacks they want delivered to their office / location in return for a lower price than market value. It’s a net loss, but he feels the conversions started makes it worth it all.

general info:

- really likes artificial spicy foods / powders from the mortal realm.

- The imp trio tolerate him. He’s a new hire and thinks being imps is enough to make him a part of the trio. Tonic and Otto will give him the time of day while October feels Habanero gets on his nerves too much.