Nymbul Nhibyl



3 years, 2 months ago


Nymbul Nhibyl

name nymbul nhibyl
alias the uncatchable
age twenty-five
gender male (he/him)
height 7'0"
orientation homosexual
species tabaxi
role rogue / ranger
theme ( )

status alive n suffering
worth $$$

Equipped with a razor-sharp tongue and a penchant for mischief, Nymbul is a rogue who refuses to take his job seriously. He has a nasty habit of biting off much more than he can chew, and has had to be bailed out by his companions on numerous occasions. He is impulsive, sneaky, and just a little bit stupid. He has a taste for high fashion, but is more likely to splurge on multiple pieces of cheap jewelry than one expensive piece.

Despite his snarky comments and bastardly hijinks, Nymbul does have a soft heart deep down. He's not only about the money. He'd much sooner stab you then admit it, though.

  • attention
  • shiny things
  • thievery
  • rival assassins
  • decision-making
  • dirt n muck

educated ignorant
emotional logical
organised messy
honest insincere

design notes
  • Nymbul's right hand is scarred and discolored due to an accident. The fur is a sickly purple-grey color that travels up the arm and ends in a sort of 'lightning' pattern. Acid dragons will getcha!
  • Nymbul's primary weapon is his longbow. When not fighting at range, he duel-wields two shortswords.
  • His tail is so ungodly fluffy.