Doodle Noodles - OS



3 years, 2 months ago


Doodle Noodles are long noodle like cryptics

They are the opposite of Scribble Serpents 

Their noodle boddies can be fluffy, scaly, slimy, or any texture you want, just as long they are noodle shaped, they can be any pattern or color 

Their arms/legs/eyes are made of magic ink that is secreted from their tails 

They must have an eye

There is no limit to the amount of limbs they can have 

Their ink can be any color and can have patterns as long as the pattern is throughout their ink (ex: if the ink has spots then there shouldn't be spots in one leg and none of the others) also if the ink is multicolored then it should be throughout the ink (ex: if one leg is red and blue then all teh other legs and the eye should be red and blue)

They can add body parts or whatever they want to themselves by using their ink (like spikes or a mouth) 

(Optional lore that you dont have to follow but it's cool if you do B] ) :

Doodle noodles are created in multiple ways

1st most common way: Breeding between two or more noodles 

Noodles breed by mixing their ink together to create an egg from that egg hatches an oodle

An oodle is born blind and limbless without any ink 

The main guardian of the oodle will paint on an eye for it, they eye will eventually dry up and fall off usually about the time that the oodle develops it's ink and can give itself limbs and and eye.

If the oodle is an orphan the oodle needs to wait for its ink to develop, causing it to live completely helpless for a long period of time 

2nd less common way: creation from an outside source 

Doodle noodles were originally created from the shared creativity of artists and creators around the world, thus new Noodles can be born from it as well.

It's less common than breeding but it does happen naturally 

More lore to be added soon

If you got questions you can dm on discord if you have it, or comment 👀

(Pst btw this is a pretty cool species I think you should check em out

They're called pick pocks and they're owned by this super rad person join us)