


3 years, 2 months ago


Examine every scar

Name Xanthe
Original Persona Ethan
Species Nobody
Gender Male (He/Him)
Orientation Heterosexual
Status Single Pringle
Organization Omega Entity
Superiour Xarmint (Brown)
Weapon Bladed Fans
Ability Animation

I'm auditing my karma
  • Height: 6'0ft
  • Build: Slender
  • His hair is untameable. It always looks at least a little messy.
  • He has two black earrings on the shell of his left ear and one on his right.
  • Almost exclusively wears the Omega Entity uniform, complete with brown accents to representation his division.
  • His default expression is a smile.

Outgoing, sickeningly sweet, and a guy who harbours only the purest intentions, Xanthe is one of the happiest, friendliest souls a person could ever meet. Unafraid to play the fool, he's ready to do anything stupid at a moment's notice. For a mission or a smile, you can count on Xanthe to do the job no one else wants. Just name the time and place.

His playfulness has its downfalls, of course, and Xanthe is rarely taken seriously by the other organization members. He's a doofus in the best of lights and unreliable in the worst.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

Something just ain't addin' up

Like everyone in the organization, Xanthe has a unique ability. His particular specialty is animation. Able to give (temporary) life to inanimate things, Xanthe can bestow sentience, emotion, and movement onto small-to-medium-sized objects.

Its usefulness ranges from the practical to the mundane. For example, Xanthe could give life to a paper airplane for the purpose of scouting or gathering intel. Or - if he's feeling lonely - he could turn his weapons into conversation partners.


What Xanthe lacks in raw power he more than makes up for with speed. He's an elegant fighter who's quick on his feet and is more likely to whittle away an opponent's health than deal a particularly damaging blow.

Equipped with his pair of signature, bladed fans, Xanthe's reach is limited, and he excels as a close-range fighter. However, Xanthe can temporarily extend his reach by animating his weapons: which - when thrown - will come whizzing right back to him, like a boomerang.


  • Although he has good control over his animation ability, Xanthe is known to accidentally bring his fans to life from time-to-time. It's happened enough times that the fans retain their memories from one period of animation to the next, and make for fun (if also sometimes sassy) conversation partners.
  • He's fond of live music and really admires people who can sing.
  • Xanthe dishes out nicknames like they're going out of style. He thinks of them as a nice way to speedrun the "awkward acquaintance" phase and dive straight into friendship.
  • His birthday is September 7th ♍︎

It's close, but no cigar
  • Fighting
  • Dancing
  • Cold Pizza
  • Cute, Strong Girls

  • Strength Training
  • Complex Plans & Strategies
  • Waiting
  • Dogs