Osamu's Comments

hi, i’m here to offer! spaghettiOs

as for traits, it’s easy to tell they’re a demon— or at least demonic in appearance, the singular eye and odd stomach mouth strike out to me, they look a lot like stickers/emojis and i enjoy the style, plus the horns and the bauble at the end of their tail… are they made of hardened magma?

when it comes to demon ocs i adore them and am always looking to expand my universe’s version of hell one character at a time, and i think this design would be right at home in its visceral, infernal setting

i hope this is fine!

yeah i'll send em over asap!! i love the "always looking to expand my universe’s version of hell one character at a time" part haha

hmmm. mouf, or. channel 6

HUH.. vox? smth like that, anyway..

Artemis, Archer, Devil, Demon, Golden, Gold, Goldie, Mister 

oh dang-

i'd name them doodle, crypt, or dean haha

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necro, abaddon, cryptid, forneus

ty for considerin ^ ^


(Hes cool looking)

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Mind if i snag?:0 i like the name oodles

Why? Idk