Lily Mizutani



3 years, 2 months ago


Lily Mizutani
Cis Female
Shiny Greninja


Brave • Confident • Loyal • Secretive • Mischievous • Rebellious

Lily often does her work and would rather be in the shadows behind everyone else that is around her. She is known to keep both herself and her past a secret from others while attending the academy, and while not having much of an interest in studying for most subjects--loves learning about the fighting and combative aspects that the academy provides. She is confident in her abilities, which could also be her downfall, as she could be too overconfident at times to think she can't be caught and get into detention with her pranks and skipping. She is also brave in taking up any challenge that could come her way, and once gaining her trust, she can be tremendously loyal to anyone willing to get to know or impress her.

However, don't be fooled by her cute apperance, she can easily get flustered by cute things and won't hesistant to defend anyone who needs help. Despite her usual, neutral facial expression, she can be known to be quite expressive when she's around the right people.


  • Sweets
  • Reptiles
  • content
  • content


  • Technology
  • content
  • content
  • content
"What are you staring at?"


Lily Mizutani was born and raised outside and near Fuchsia City in the Kanto Region, to a large clan of ninjas and is the only daughter to her beloved parents. Her family, for many generations, have kept the tradition on learning and becoming ninjas--something that Lily didn't have much objection too as she found enjoyment in participating in this tradition. So because of this, Lily began learning ninjustu once she was around four years of age, and began to learn the basics of smaller weapons and other survival methods that could help aid here to uphold the tradition. While this seemed like a wonderful lifestyle, Lily didn't have much knowledge of the outside world and how extremely different in terms of growth and personal life.

After she turned nine, Lily was then sent to travel and learn about the other arts that could help her become a top ninja. During this time, she traveled to places in Unova, Kalos, and somewhere in Johto--traveling to certain places in the region that was more known in the ninja world about they're abilities to learn from. She only moved region to region after mastering to a certain high-rank level of them before moving on to the next region. It was also during this time that she gotten more of an idea on what kind of world really was outside her privilege and sheltered life as a ninja-in-training. She started to see that the world was much different than her own, and surprisingly very lazy as many of the folks she encountered were the opposite in nature. Some being either lazy, corrupt, mean or rude and more--it was only a few interactions that she had with the folks outside, but her perspective on them certainly was dwindling.

It wasn't until she reached eighteen that she finally gotten back into contact with her parents, and surprisingly--while they were overjoyed at the fact that Lily was making great progress into becoming a great ninja by learning all of these different arts in--they also thought this would be the perfect time for Lily to grow with folks her age before accepting her title as the head ninja in her clan. Much to her disappointment, Lily couldn't get herself out of this mess and ultimately didn't want her training or her goal to be sidetracked. But the head of her clan also agreed to her parent's wishes, and she was forced to study at a college that her grandfather had chosen out for her. While not really interested in socializing thanks to her mindset and ideas on the outside world and they're inhabitants, she is very much interested in they're combative and retreats to certain areas that could involve fighting.


• Design notes here

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• Has a odd sense of what's cute--which is anything reptile related

• Other hobbies include origami, calligraphy, hiking and tai chi

• Knows Ninjutsu, Arnis, Jujitsu, and a little bit of Shaolin Kung Fu

• Is very dumb when it comes to anything modern related (technology, slang, objects, etc)

• Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.

• Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus.

Relationship Charts


Ace Platinum

[ Close Friend ] Ace was one of the first people that Lily met after she came to live in the outside world. Impressed by her bold and loud nature, the two had quickly became fast friends. She treats Ace as one of her closest friends and allies, and holds her in high respect. Often goes to her to learn more on modern day culture and ways of life. Currently in a band with her, Eris and Esme.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.



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