


6 years, 10 months ago


Male / 6'1 / age unknown

He is well-known for not only his wealth, but also his charm. He is easily found out in public, brazenly travelling amongst the mortal masses, conversing and charming them, possibly for hours, and often times he leaves with more people following him home than when he left his palace for the day. His charm and general kindness in the aura that he surrounds himself with cause most people to simply look past the fact that most people who follow him into his palace are never known to leave it ever again. Those people end up as his workers- servants, cooks, gardeners, maids, guards, most any worker you find within his palace was an ordinary person he charmed to work for him. Because of such, Kinverus lives a life of luxury, being surrounded by people who would jump at the slightest request to make certain that he is comfortable, and he thrives in such a life.

His snakes often get into small quarrels between each other. In many of those quarrels, they will all collectively split into groups, very rarely a proper left-right or front-back split, and will bite and snap at each other in irritation. It takes quite a bit of mediating to fix the problem, usually.

People - Luxury - His ‘hair’ - Making friends

Disobedience - Heroes - Aggressive people - Being indebted

Stony Gaze
Able to, at will, cause his gaze to turn living creatures that meet it to stone. Unlike most gorgons, through his particular circumstances, this is not always active, but only so when he wills it. The reason that his gaze isn’t always so dangerous, and that he is so abnormally charming for a gorgon, is hidden within the crystal that he wears around his neck. It has a powerful magic behind it.
Charming Voice
Able to charm and seduce most mortal creatures into listening to him and obeying his instructions through extended exposure to his voice, almost reminiscent to a siren’s call, except that it focuses more on obedience as opposed to drawing people in.
Serpentine Form
When threatened, able to transform his lower half into a more serpentine form, more accurate to the mythological appearance of a gorgon. When in this form, his fingers are elongated into cruel claws, and his serpentine hair grows longer and more aggressive.

Attack: 60%
Defence: 30%
Magic: 90%
Dexterity: 80%
Stamina: 50%
Luck: 100%