Draga Lysette



6 years, 11 months ago


Draga is the eldest child of queen Lysette, and has so far lived for a few thousand years 

He was originally born on a ranch, but was abandoned by his mother to be raised by his father in the mortal realm of Pandelysyium. When Draga's father eventually passed away, Draga took over the ranch in his stead - primarily raising horses. He spent many years this way and had many partners during this time. 

Centuries passed and eventually Draga was called to return to the underworld to take his place as a prince. Because of a brewing war between the incubus in the underworld and and the snow elves of pandelysium, his underworld kingdom needed as many bodies as they could muster. Draga was extremely reluctant at first, until he met his siblings for the first time in the underworld; Malika, Vincent and Amari. Draga got along with his brother Vincent very well and the two of them quickly established a friendship. Vincent was set to lead a raid into the north of Pandelysium and secretly brought his concerns to Draga about their youngest sister Amari. Draga agreed to shelter Amari at the ranch he'd been forced to abandon, though In exchange, she would need to care for the property until Draga was able to return from his services. 

The war in question was in the north of Pandelysium, a conquest to find the secret of true immortality which the snow elves guarded closely. Queen lysette of the the succubus/inccubus kingdoms had received a tip regarding its whereabouts and was determined to have it at any cost.  It was a race against time as word spread to the demon races. With no other male children at the time, and unwilling to risk the heir Malika on the font lines, the queen entrusted her armies to Draga and Vincent and together they took their legions to the mortal realm to fight in the north. Between Draga's superior knowledge of the mortal world and Vincent's brutal war experience, the two were nearly unstoppable. Despite their success in battle however, the relic they were searching for was never found - supposedly destroyed in the chaos though only the snow elves know for certain. All races were forced to fall back as the number of casualties continued to rise on every side and Draga returned to the underworld.

 Upon returning to the kingdom, Draga was put through a rigorous training regimen meant to get him properly accustomed to their way of life in the underworld. Though Draga preformed well in his training, he'd begun to loath his mother for abandoning him and his father in favor of the underworld and even more so for dragging him down with her when she needed him for war. Draga's loathing for his mother expanded into a loathing for the underworld in general and soon enough he longed for freedom more than anything else. He started making plans to desert his kingdom and return to Pandelysium, entrusting all his responsibilities to Vincent. 

Unfortunately, Draga learned that he could run from his mother all he wanted, but he could not hide. Once leaving the kingdom, Draga tried to return to the ranch only to find the queens guards waiting for him. His sister Amari was seemingly unharmed, but the ranch itself had been burned and the animals had all been released. He fought to have the ranch back but he was badly beaten and told never to come back unless it was in servitude. Amari had been allowed to stay due to a bargain made between Vincent and the queen - the deserter Draga however was not a part of it. Draga continued to search for a place to make his home, originally sticking to the open farmlands and small towns... but he was hunted and punished everywhere he went; his partners killed an his home destroyed. He learned that the more dense the mortal population was, the harder it would be for his mother's guards to interfere with his life, leading him closer, and eventually into the bigger cities. He made a habit of renting penthouses and luxury hotels - places with high value - the kinds of places that would draw the attention of anyone if something strange happened... and slowly... the attacks began to slow down. 
