
Name Paramonos
gender Male
mate Single
orientation Unure
masterlist 51
occupation Guard
Value £85
theme info

I'm not ready for you to be nice to me.

Paramonos grew to be an odd pup indeed. His teeth all a mess, and growths coming out of his cheek. It was clear that it caused him pain, and often made him grumpy and lash out as a pup. He still tends to be grumpy when his cheeks ache too much, but he's no longer one to lash out to those undeserving. 

Quite large for a common male, many tend to fear him and avoid him, and some have even attacked him. It was during his Rite that he crossed paths with Barnum and the circus. The smooth talking leader and ringmaster offering him a place among them. 

Not interested in being part of the show, he took his place as guard, defender, and bodyguard for the circus, taking away and defending toskals from those who might become too cruel or even violent. It can be a bit loud for him, but he has come to call the place home.