Zeke L. Andres



9 years, 5 months ago


Name:Zeke L. Andres
Full name:Ezekiel Luther Andres
Date of Birth: Oct 10
Age:Mid 20s
Hair Style: Short, Black, with white and blue highlights. 
Eye Color: Blue
Personality:+ cheeky, carefree, confident, approachable, ambitious
- resolute, distrustful, narcissistic, aloof, unpredictable
Likes:pizza, ramune, music, cool stuff, looking cool, winning
Dislikes:losing, authority, people who can't take a joke

note: ENTJ-A

Old info pending revamp

Teen Personality

Zeke is cheeky, carefree and is considered as a prankster on the surface. He likes teasing people, but only in a friendly (and probably flirty) way. He is also slightly narcisstic and stubborn.However, when it comes to battles, he can get really serious and concentrated. Due to the fact that he is athletic, has high analytical power and can make decisions with a calm mind, he is considered the leader of the group. This is why everyone on the team respects him although he can be pretty annoying at times.

OG world talent

His flames can be produced from the palm of his hand, and can be transfered to someone else for a limited period of time, either for protection or illumination. 

Absolute Divination:

"LOL, ladies shouldn't talk like this, you know!"

Zeke is your typical high school student - except for the fact that he's horribly smart and terribly atheltic to be true. He seems to be attending classes just out of obligation and doesn't really pay attention, but teachers favor him nevertheless due to his excellent grades ; and despite his mischevious attitude, they just can't seem to get mad at him.  

As the team leader, Zeke is Awakened, mostly an attacker but occasionally a transmitter. He leads his team into operations and trusts Kai deeply to pinpoint the locations to him. He teases his team members often, but actually cares for them deeply and woudn't mind going the extra mile for them. He also recruits people whom he think no only would be a valuable asset to the team, but also people whom he thinks would be fun to have around. Zeke also has the highest amount of power among his team, and usually assists in the "Awakening" process of his other team members. Back at the base, if not working together with Kai to strategize their next move, Zeke can be seen watching anime, gaming, or composing electronic music on his computer. He occasionally reads things up on the internet but no one seems to understand the things that he reads.

It is later made known that Zeke has never undergone the "Awakening" process - not because he didn't have anything he needed to confront, but that his powers were natural and organic.

☆ ☆ ☆ 

Additional trivia:

His name is read as "Zeek", but members of his team likes to tease him back sometimes by calling him "zeeki". Nobody really calls him Ezekiel, it's just the name on his identity documents.
Zeke claims that "there is no team leader", but he is usually the person who leads operations and scouts people into his team.
His adoptive parents were killed in a car accident, and he has no clue who his original parents were.
His outlook on life is that he should focus on the now, rather than the past or future.
He was named according to: EzekielLuther. Andres was just a surname with a nice ring that contrasted his first name (Z/A).

KING ver: http://toyhou.se/381374.zeke-king-ver-https://toyhou.se/10635.zeke-l-andres/1542797.zeke-king-ver-
Alternate timeline: http://toyhou.se/410189.zeke-alt-