


3 years, 5 months ago


Name: Catfish

Tribe: Seawing

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Lesbian

Birthday/Age: April 7th, 7

Occupation: Baker

Abilities: Her wings slowly turn to ash over time, rendering her unable to fly

Personality: Serious, calm, and dignified on the outside, but soft-hearted, kind, and a bit friendly at times on the inside. She has a childish sense of humor.

Backstory: Animus-cursed by Comet when she hatched to have her wings slowly turn to ash. Catfish was born with her parents, and 2 younger brothers. One day, Catfish's parents disappeared, leaving Catfish to take care of her family. Catfish wasn't very good at leading, Catfish often failed to get her brothers food, so she became a baker to earn money, it worked and soon Catfish's family was back on track. Later in life, a few dragons jumped Catfish, she luckily survived, and made it out with a scar on her back leg.

Additional Info: Loves her job. She dislikes moths, dragons attacking her, and small spaces. She likes jumping into leaf piles, seashells, and watching the sun set. She has a habit of breaking things. Catfish finds it impossible to fight a dragon bigger than her. Her favorite food is mice. Her favorite game is Scroll Tower. She wishes she had more jewels.