Twenty's Comments

I can offer 2 fulls! Hey boo been a while :)

i was Sugarcoated, Skidj, etc etc so many names lmao

here's recent examples!

hey!!! it has been a long time <3 how've you been?
i'd def take 2 fulls for them! feel free to draw anyone on my th that isnt in my sale folder <3
also! if you want to catch up, my discord is rabidlynx#5956

awesome! And I've been great!

ill get those done rq :)

h0ly shit they are literally perfect,, what d0 y0u price them @ in gb? :O als0, w0uld y0u take art !! y0u can find human + feral examples 0n 0ur page, fruitb0unce n weasel are the m0st recent examples f0r feral specifically :)

I’d personally price them around 15 GB but I’m willing to go as low at 10! As for art, I’m really picky with it right now but I will consider!

v funky !! :] we'd 0ffer 1 feral fb n 1 human headsh0t, if y0u'd c0nsider it !!