
3 years, 2 months ago


Basic Info

Human? | Female

Age: 16? | No Copy Ability

Birthday: 11/02/2002 (creation date: 10/‎25/2020)

Occupation: Librarian/Monster Fighter


Personality: + Gentle + Clever - Insecure - Naïve

Alignment: Neutral Good

Backstory: Things are generally blurry for her. The first thing she remembers is being presented with the image of Nightmare himself, who would soon train her with intention to make her a mage in his army. However, she eventually realized this and learning of this made her decide to abandon NME. That and the fact that she had begun to be afraid of Nightmare even before that point. Since then, she's begun to do what she can to do good in the universe. 

Likes: Magic, soft things, sweets 

Dislikes: NME, the dark, cold-hearted people 

Special Abilities: Fright has magic, but is nowhere near as powerful as her former superior. She has the ability to shoot lightning at things, but not to fatal extents. Its only really useful for a stun. She can also cast magic beams similar to Beam Kirby, but with a little less range. Lastly, she has the ability to create minor illusions, which generally only take the form of items or small beings that have a different appearance than the real thing. For example, if she used her magic to make a Waddle Dee, it would be purple in appearance rather than orange. These aren't able to do much aside from serve as a distraction, as they aren't solid images. 

Skills/Talents: She wasn't given working brain cells for nothing. She generally tends to solve problems with her mind as opposed to brute strength if the former is the option. She tends to excel at things of that nature. 

Weaponry: Fright carries a staff which she uses to cast spells. She can use magic without it, but she finds using the staff to make her powers feel more controllable. 

Weaknesses: One could say Fright has two main weaknesses. The first being the reason she prefers to fight with her mind, not her body; that being that physically, she is rather weak. Any being with a decent amount of strength and a working brain cell has a good chance of defeating her. The other weakness is her emotional and mental state. Bringing up her past, intentionally or not, or insulting her strength usually results in her crumbling to the ground, usually in tears.

Note: NintendoLearner is credited due to her making a sketch that inspired Fright's design.