Nip (Cloud Nipper)



3 years, 2 months ago


to make a long story short, this is a redesign/retcon of my main-sona from the first design she had from when I traced someone's fan character when I was 9. She/they're a changeling and my mlp sona. my cringe first version of my sona had a tragic backstory where her family was killed by changelings and she was very injured and also her colors and design was bad. So, I decided it would be funny if they were a changeling infuriating pony society. Basically they've never seen a pony before and only know what they look like from stories, but they're personality is >:) so they wanna head out and find some, get some adventure. "eat" some evil ponies and such. So they make their pony-sona "do the have hooves? or paws? eh put both!" and walk right into town. first pony they run into says hi and they make up a name on the spot based on that one they just heard. very silly shenanigans ensue. They find a friend who lives just outside of town and their relationship is Nip evil monologuing about draining their life force or something and then getting "yeah sure"ed and handed a muffin. Nip does not know how to respond to affection.