
3 years, 2 months ago


Basic Info

Puffball | Female

Age: 18? | No Copy Ability

Birthday: 12/19 (creation date: 04/02/2021)

Occupation: Star Catcher/Illusionist


Personality: + Charismatic + Outgoing - Extravagant - A bit Arrogant

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Backstory: Vega was born on Planet Popstar to two loving parents. She grew up looking up to the magicians on the stages and wanted to learn the tricks to being a professional illusionist. A small wrench was thrown into that when one day her homemade wand was turned into a net while she was practicing a trick. It turned out she was what was known as a Star Catcher, a person able to catch shooting stars in special nets and use the Stardust within them to cast special spells. This didn't stop her from pursuing her dream to be an illusionist, and with enough hard work, she managed to work up a bit of a following in particular areas for Dreamland as a great illusionist. Though she has tried using actual spells with her Star Catcher abilities, she usually sticks to only using them to defend herself and keeping the remainder in jars in her little wagon she rides around in.

Likes: Stardust, other sparkly things, impressing people

Dislikes: NME, "boring" performances, tough crowds

Special Abilities: Star Catchers are a subclass of Star Warriors. When they have a bond with a specific item, they can turn it into a net, which they use to catch shooting stars for their Stardust. Stardust is used in benevolent spells, usually of support nature, such as healing, slight buffs, shielding, etc. Vega can use all of these abilities, but they usually come with a cooldown and effects only last for a short period. Attacks are not very strong either.

Skills/Talents: As mentioned, Vega is a skilled illusionist, impressing the masses with tricks on the mind, ears, and eyes. Only her close friends know her secrets.

Weaponry: She usually uses her wand for spells, as while her net can be used, it's not very precise.

Weaknesses: She is easily distracted. You can get her to talk about herself and she'll go on and on, only stopping because you kicked her butt. Her powers also have long cooldowns to the point where the effects wear off before the cooldown ends, so if she uses all her abilities at once, which is not uncommon, she and her allies can be taken advanatage of easily.