


3 years, 2 months ago


- She/her
- Necromancer
- Serious self esteem and society issues drove her to mutilate her face in order to achieve "purest beauty". It did not work.

TW mentions of sh

Growing up, she was very self-conscious of her appearance. The community she was brought up in valued women based on their prettiness, and were very vain about their features. Not content with herself, she became obsessed with trying to make herself look prettier. She started small, pegging her nose at night on the hope that it would become smaller, dabbing her eyes with fluid to make them shine more. When nothing changed, she turned to more extreme methods. She begun cut slowly and carefully into her skin, hacking away at the parts she didn't like. When her chin still wasn't pointy enough, she realised she could do the same with her bones, and she dug further, sculpting her face until it was perfect.
She lost so much blood, and was so deathly thin that she was nearly a corpse herself. She wouldn't be able to keep going without dying of her injuries, but she still wasn't happy. Horrified with what she had done, the village shunned her, laughing at her futile attempts to look pretty. Exiled, she sought out even more methods, eventually turning to necromany.