Evin Mallard



3 years, 2 months ago


A doctor who worked on androids and other fine mechanics until his mind slowly started to deteriorate. Mallard was seeing doctors to try and figure out what exactly was causing his mind to fail though during this, his employers figured him a liability and fired him part way through his treatments.

In a series of one thing after another, Evin ended up losing everything. After losing his job, his wife divorced him and took their four young children. Unable to find another job that would accept him and his continual conditions, he ended up losing his licenes to work on androids, lost his home, and ended up homeless and living on the streets.

Without his medications and treatments, Evin's mental state steadily declined until he became a babbling mess, unable to focus and going on and on about this and that. He wandered from place to place, eventually ending up on the bad side of Link City where a particular android who knew who he was, or more better who he used to be, and took him in.