
3 years, 2 months ago
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Quirk- Pursuit: once her eyes meet someone's she can see a trail where they walked, and be able to follow it. She needs to be able to look them in the eyes though and she can do it to three people at a time and the trail are the same colors as their eyes.

Fun Facts-

1: uses her skates to make it easier for her to get around and catch up to people.

2: dislikes getting overwhelmed because she wants to keep being able to work but that makes it hard

3: her skin is most likely so soft

4: has secret hidden blades in her gloves that shoot out like claws when needed

5: has a fangirl crush on some of the pros.

Personality- she's a pretty festy girl! She loves to fight and will pick fights with even people that are stronger than her. Because of her quirk not being the best to fight with she uses weapons, staffs mostly but knives and stuff like that at times.

Parents Quirks-

Mom- Seen: with her quirk she can see a little black spot where anyone has been. It's a little overwhelming.

Dad- Scent: with his quirk he can follow scents easily and his sense of smell is very strong.