Cerise (Rei)



7 months, 8 days ago


Rei, an fairly unknown idol that disappeared from the eyes of the public in the span of one night. He was last spotted on the stage, where he is performing along with two of his group members.

Perhaps the fault lies at the performance location that their manager have choosen.

It's a location whose notoriety is making random people dissappear whenever a performance is going on.The first sighting of the case happened around 20XX.50 people disappeared overtime when a stage play is playing.After that, the cost to rent the location drastically decrease with each similar case happening.

And that night, Rei is the only one that disappeared. None of the audience (which only consists of a handful of die hard fans of the group) is gone. The group disbanded later on, and funnily enough the other two now indie entertainers,become more successful than before.

The disappearance of Rei became the talk of the town for awhile until he is slowly forgotten by the mass.