
6 years, 11 months ago



He looks about 13. Plain brown hair and green eyes. A little skinny. He always carries around a ratty looking journal that is actually a rare and coveted artifact.

Special Items

Journal - This journal is the one lifeline that Kiyo has. For some reason it never runs out of pages and it automatically updates itself so that Kiyo can easily find anything he needs (from maps to specifics entries and even find specific names!). It’s a plain, battered looking leather bound book with strange etchings on the front of it. It doesn’t glow or do much of anything as it works its magic, but it is magic nonetheless. It is potentially an artifact of great power and prize, but Kiyo just uses it to write down his day and make his maps.


More than a bit shy, Kiyo spends most of his time exploring the world and burying himself in his journal where he painstakingly writes out the details of his day. Since he doesn’t remember much of anything on a day to day basis, each day brings new surprises and wonders to him—for him, the world is a magical (if pretty scary) place.

When meeting new people (which is all the time, even if they don’t believe so) he tends to be wary. Not so much suspicious as quiet and secretive. It takes him a lot to open up and tell people that he doesn’t remember anything from day to day, and the only way he can really function is to get up each morning and read the highlights of his life in his journal. Lucky for him his journal is magic and he’s able to search specifically for things he’s looking for if he needs to.

He spends a lot of time making maps and exploring new places. For some reason exploring the depths of unknown caverns is exciting, while meeting new people is more frightening than anything else. Since everything he does is new to him he doesn’t really think twice about plunging into situations that would make others pause and go “maybe not the best of ideas.” He is stout of heart in such cases—it’s mostly personal interactions that make him flounder and withdraw.

Considering his circumstances it’s not surprising that he’s a rather contemplative sort. He doesn’t really dwell on why he’s the way he is, but he’s always, secretly, wanted to know who he is and where he’s come from. Kiyo is a little sad and a little lonely, but he’s certain one day he’ll be able to find his answers.


According to the first entry in his journal, Kiyo had woken up with no memory. Now he doesn’t know if he lost his memory before he got the journal and spent some time wandering before finally finding it, or if his memory loss and the journal are intertwined in some way. He suspects the latter though he has no concrete evidence of such.


Why am I here? Where… is here? My name is Kiyo. I think. I can’t remember. Why can’t I remember? Um. I have a pack and it has some food in it and I have this journal, but nothing is familiar and I don’t know why. There’s nobody around and I don’t… I don’t know what to do.

Second Entry


I don’t understand. I lost my memory yesterday? That’s what the journal is saying and that’s my handwriting but I don’t remember that and I don’t remember anything! I lost my memory again? But what if some time has passed since then and now? And I still don’t know where I am!

No. No, I should be brave. And I should keep writing, just in case. I’m just a little scared.

Third Entry


This isn’t working. I woke up today and I didn’t understand anything again. I don’t remember anything again. All I knew was that the first thing I should do is look at this journal, so that’s what I’m doing. If this keeps happening like I think it is then I need to be more prepared. I need to write more because this isn’t working and I don’t know what’s happening and…

I’m in a cave. It’s huuuuge. I just realized that I don’t know where I am so I should start keeping a map.

Wait, first, some facts. One, my name is Kiyo. Two, I lose my memory every day. Three, this journal is magic and the most important thing I have in the world. It flips the pages to exactly where I want and I can search through it just by saying some words!

There’s nobody in this cave. There’s not much going on either. Just some bats and quiet dripping water. I should move on, there’s nothing for me here and I need to make sure I keep my supplies up.

At some point Kiyo has also started keeping track of the people he knows and of key areas on his map for supplies. He feels as if he should be searching for answers as to why he is the way he is, but considering he doesn’t have a single clue in how to start, well. Most of the time he just wanders peacefully, though his life is full of interesting and new surprises every day.


Kiyo doesn’t have much interaction with other people. Partially because he doesn’t really remember them after they meet and partially because he is just rather shy in general. As far as family goes—who knows. Part of the problem of having amnesia. However there’s a nice old lady by the name of Sharon who always gives Kiyo extra treats when he buys some of her yummy baked goods and calls him by name (she is in fact, labeled: ‘Nice lady, gives you more food’ in his journal).

There’s this boy named Ren that Kiyo runs into every once in a while who’s about Kiyo’s age. He’s also by himself, which would be strange except he seems very competent in the way that Kiyo’s not. Ren’s always courteous, though not exactly friendly, but every once in a while, when Kiyo really seems to be in a pinch, Ren seems to swoop out of nowhere to help save the day (according to Kiyo’s journal entries, anyway. They seem to range from grudgingly admiring to confused). Kiyo thinks that he likes Ren, or would be Ren’s friend, but the other boy never seems to stick around too much. Kiyo is accidentally mysterious. Ren is purposefully mysterious. Kiyo thinks that’s a bit rude.


  • The source of all of Kiyo's troubles is actually his journal
  • Kiyo does not know this and would not know what to do if he did

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