Genkuro ( saber )



3 years, 2 months ago


Name: Genkuro
AKA: Satō Tadanobu
Gender: Unknown
Affinity: Earth
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura
Region: Japan


Sato Tadanobu: A follower of Minamoto no Yoshitsune ( Ushiwakamaru ). According to the  Genpei Jōsuiki Tadanobu was one of the Yoshitsune Shitennō ( Yoshitsune's Four Heavenly Kings ). Sato is most well known for saving his master's life. While travelling to Kyushu to escape Yoritomo. Ushiwakamaru and her forces were beset by the monks of Zo-o-no and were facing defeat. Tandanobu asked that Ushiwakamaru lend him her armour as he would act as rearguard for their retreat. Not only would the armour convince the pursuing forces that Ushiwakamaru was still in reach it would also provide better protection than Tadanobu's own armour. Posing as Ushiwakamaru, Tandanobu took on the group's pursuers killing and wounding twenty men. Though his men were killed Tandanobu managed to evade capture and he proceeded to Kyoto. Once there he stayed with a female acquaintance but he was eventually discovered and attacked. Under threat of capture, he committed seppuku

Genkuro is a kitsune who posed as Sato Tadanobu in Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura. Disguised as Tadanobu, Genkuro rescued Shizuka Gozen, after she was left behind and tied to a tree with the hatsune drum and then later found by agents of Yoritomo, from Yoritomo, in return, they were awarded a suit of armour and the name Genkuro. Before this Genkuro was a nameless kitsune thus Genkuro became their name. Ushiwakamaru’s group continues on their journey learning Tadanobu ( Genkuro ) to escort Shizuka to the capital.

Separating from Ushiwakamaru, Genkuro, still posing as Tadanobu, escorted Shizuka to Yoshino seeking safety from Yoritomo. Eventually, they meet up with Ushiwakamaru once more, as both parties had taken separate paths. However, Ushiwakamaru is with the real Sato Tadanobu so Genkuro had to reveal their real form.

Genkuro explained that the hatsune drum, which was given to ushiwakamaru at the start of Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura, was made from the skin of their parents. Who are 1000-year-old kitsunes whose power still inhabits the drum. Genkuro tried to retrieve the drum for over 400 years ( the drum in 786 the play takes place in 1186) as he was unable to fulfill acts of filial piety preventing him from gaining respect among their fellow Kitsune. However, the drum was held in the imperial palace and was protected by many kami, making it inaccessible to Genkuro. But, once the drum was handed to Ushiwakamaru that was no longer an issue. Genkuro explains that he followed Ushiwakamaru and went with Shizuka as they were trying to get closer to the drum. Ushiwakamaru and Shizuka speak to Genkuro for some time and ultimately decide to return the drum to them.

And then, when the real Tadanobu takes Ushiwakamaru’s place facing the monks, Genkuro helps by using their kitsune magic to hamper the monks. Genkuro further uses their kitsune magic to protect Ushiwakamaru. Genkuro also helped the real Tadanobu get revenge against Taira no Noritsune who had killed Tadanobu's brother by once more taking Tadanobu form. Genkuro then leaves.

Once more Genkuro takes up the form of Tadanobu as they are summoned as a servant.  

Bond 10 ce:

Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: A
Mana: A
Luck: D
Noble Phantasm: B

Noble phantasm:  

Hatsune Drum:

A Tsuzumi drum that was made from the skin of Genkuro ( the kitsunes ) parents. It was made and used 400 years before the events of Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura by emperor Kanmu. Thus, making it a rare and powerful object. At the start of Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura it was given to Ushiwakamaru. After explaining the significance of the drum to Ushiwakamaru and Shizuka the drum is returned to Genkuro

Kitsune Roppo:

Kitsune-Roppo or fox six-direction step is a special type of dance that involves the kabuki actor running down the hanamichi sideways and with a slightly hunched body. Traditionally, in Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura, this would be performed after Genkuro’s received the drum. It was eventually changed to chunori.

Passive skills:

Magic Resistance A: Increases own debuff resistance by 15%.

Riding D: Increases own Quick performance by 4%.

Active skills:

Shapeshift ( imposter ): Increases own defence for 3 turns
Grants self-evade 3 attacks.

A skill inspired by Genkuro’s ability to shapeshift. They used these powers to pose as Tadanobu first to acquire the Hatsune drum and then later to help the real Tadanobu in battle. A side effect of this skill is that people tend to think Genkuro is the real Sato Tadanobu. Even if Genkuro explains that no they are in fact a fox no one will believe them.

Borrowed Armor:  Draws the attention of all enemies to self for 1 turn.
Increase own defence 1 turn
Reduces own damage taken for 1 turn

A skill inspired by the story of Sato Tadanobu borrowing Ushiwakamaru’s armor, allowing Ushiwakamaru and the rest of their group to escape as Tadanobu took on the pursuing monks.


Animal Characteristics Servants, Brynhildr's Beloved, Earth or Sky, Humanoid, Masculine Looking Servant, Non-Hominidae Servants, Riding, Saber Class Servant, Unknown Gender. Weak to Enuma Elish, Wild Beast, Yokai

other facts