Chai (Moonless Months (ACTIVE))



“No- no sir I can’t put hot sauce in your frappe. Yes, I am sorry but we don’t have it in store- n-no you don’t need to see my manager- n- ok yes I’m sorry I’ll go get her.”
Written app


Spice- 9

HP- 10

Voice and Appearance
Chai is soft looking and soft spoken. They’re on the shorter end of 5’6 and actively try to make themselves smaller in social situations. They have their dad’s afro and painstakingly bleach it every month or so, though sometimes their mum will braid it for him. They have freckles, something both their mother and father do not have, though his brother does as well. He tends towards more comfortable clothing when not in work clothes, think academia-core. Lots of vests and comfortable knit sweaters.
His voice is on the deeper end of the spectrum but still warm and soft. They rarely raise their voice but tend to squeak when surprised. They giggle more than belly laugh. Their anxiety has gifted them with a bit of a stutter in uncomfortable social situations.

Good Listener
No Backbone

Chai is an anxious guy with a lot on his plate. They juggle a full time service job and caring for their mother which doesn’t give them a lot of emotional space for much else. Still, they try to be there for those they care about as much as they can. They are incredibly conflict averse and prefer to just agree and go along with others than argue back.
He isn’t one to throw a party for a friend and would rather die than be the centre of attention, however he makes up for that by being a fantastic listener. If you want a chill time just vibing in someone else’s space, this is the man for you. He is very insightful and can hand out surprising nuggets of advice or comfort.
They have always been quick to emotion and can tear up with even just an aggressive tone. It’s a big point of shame for them and he truly wishes that he had a stronger handle on their emotions. They need to have a good cry every other day just to keep emotionally stable.
He is very passionate, both about those he cares about and the things that he’s interested in. They’re a little insecure about it however and try not to ramble on about botany, birds, early panic at the disco or drag. However with a little encouragement they’re a font of knowledge about his fixations.
His coffee skills are his bread and BUTTER. He learned how to barista as a young teen in his mother’s cafe and has hardcore grinded that skill at Moondollar. He makes a perfect cup of coffee every time, no matter how hard he’s disassociating.


Chai was born in town. His mother owned a small and cozy cafe that was fairly popular with the locals. His father took care of the finances so his mother could focus on the actual running of the cafe.
- His mother had moved there with her family in the 80’s and purchased the cafe from an elderly couple. The first couple years were rather rocky as the island wasn’t exactly jumping for joy at their all American cafe taking on an Indian twist, but they grew to like it.
His father was from out of town on a failed business venture. He met Chai’s mother and they settled down quickly after that.
The rest of his mother’s family returned to the mainland due to health complications, leaving his mother and father to run the cafe on their own.
His brother came soon after but they both always wanted a second child and thus Chai was born.

Early Life
Chai was always an anxious child and stuck close to his mother. His brother wanted to goof off with his friends instead of looking after his younger brother. Somehow, Chai still found friends.
- Chai was helping out around the cafe from a very young age. Both he and his brother were well loved by the townspeople. Chai was always of a more anxious disposition whilst his brother was five years older and extroverted. It helped to divert the attention away from him.
His mother worked long hours almost every day. Chai was always a momma’s boy and that meant he would spend most of his time in the cafe with her. His brother preferred goofing off with his friends and his dad was busy in a more ‘shut himself in his office’ way. His mother and father when together would either be happy and laughing the house down or arguing over finances. Chai and his brother tended to go off on their own when their parents argued.
Chai was much too shy and quick to tears to be able to make friends easily, in fact it made him a great target for bullies. Thankfully, early into his school life he got a protector out of Howl, who became a shield between him and the shitty people in their school. With that minor confidence boost, Chai found school rather enjoyable.

Mid-life Crisis
The Moondollar Cafe chain moved into town and with it brought a series of dominos. The family business had to default, his father left and his mother got ill. He put his college prospects on hold to keep both his mother and himself afloat, finding employment at the place that had caused all this strife in the first place. He also started transitioning.
Chai had always loved nature, however in highschool it became clear that he had a deep passion for the local ecology. With this in mind he started saving up what money he had into a college fund and applying for botany and enviro scholarships. His brother had managed to make enough from working at their cafe to skip town for college years ago so Chai was hoping he could do the same.
- Somewhere in his final year the giant american coffee chain Moondollar opened a cafe on the island. Almost immediately his family’s business suffered for it. His parents barely broke even most months usually, but now the cafe was entirely in the red. Arguments between his mother and father increased exponentially with the financial strain. They let go of staff until it was a skeleton crew and his mother working there all hours. 
The divorce was a long time coming, what had been a spur of the moment marriage had grown strained before Chai had even been born. It seemed that the looming bankruptcy was enough for his father to leave.
His father leaving meant that his mother had to juggle both the books and running the cafe almost entirely by herself, not to mention the emotional strain of losing her husband. Her health took a very serious decline and left her hospitalised. Chai dropped his college plans and spent all his time outside of school helping his mother get back to health. She got better, but was never truly strong again.
They were forced to sell the cafe after a lot of deliberation. It was not a decision that his mother took lightly and it broke something inside of her, leaving her melancholy and fatigued. The doctors said it might be a form of chronic exhaustion.
Her disability payouts were nowhere near enough for them to live on, so Chai put in with the only place on the island that would hire full time; the Moondollar Cafe.
As a little side quest, Chai and some other friends went to the mainland to hit up the gay bars. It was there that Chai first saw a lot of gnc people (outside his buddies) for the first time, as well as his first drag show. That started his epic journey into transitioning. 

Chai has worked at the Moondollar Cafe a soul crushing number of years. His mother still can’t work and he needs the paycheck to sustain them both so there he stays. He’s comfortable in his gender, on T and having gotten top surgery. He tries his best to keep up with friends and spend time on his hobbies.
For an extra bit of cash on the side, he tutors kids from the local school in maths and the various sciences. Most of them extort him for snacks.

Where were you the night of the Summer Equinox?
You spent the night prepping the coffee place for the onslaught of people who would need hangover helpers the next morning. Your boss didn’t pay you overtime but they agreed to give you the weekend off three weeks from now.

His fwiends
Music (Scissor Sisters, P!ATD, Lady Gaga, ect)
The outdoors
Spending time with his mum

His job...
Aggressive people
His dad (mostly)
Pushy people
Going out of his comfort zone

He scrap-books in a journal... it's mostly crying about shitty customers
He has painstakingly cultivated his house's entire garden
Likes to do amateur bird photography
Does drag in his room by himself where no one can see, he saves up to see whatever drag shows are going on in the city. He goes by himself and hides in the back.
Chai can speak Hindi proficiently and knows the occasional phrase in Urdu thanks to his mother.
He got his nickname from his mum at a young age (the most gender affirming thing ever). He refers to his brother as Kaapi for the same reason
His brother currently lives in Europe and can only visit very occasionally, Chai only feels slightly jealous about it.
He likes to sit and stare at the water in his off hours.
A coffee making expert- he spent his entire childhood and teen years learning from an expert (his mum). Then the past god knows how long putting it into practice for Moondollar regulars.

Ananya Takia (Mother)
Julian Everleigh (Older Brother)
Norman Everleigh (Father- Estranged)