Prince Marlow



7 years, 5 days ago


A prince of a magically attuned royal family, however due to rising circumstances and corruption, has lost his honour within the family speaking out against the cultists influencing the family. In rebellion, he leaves the palace to look for answers and a way to stop whatever the cultists have plans for his family.

Basic Stats:
Moderate Health
Low Defense
High Magical Skill

Wear enchanted cloaks to defend against magical attacks.
Extremely good at Nature Magic and Life Magic (Able to heal and drain life with concentration)

Knowledgeable at other forms of magic to use them with relative ease, but is harder to preform stronger magic for these without specific rituals to preform.
Cannot hit physically well and relatively weak to such strikes.

He has a bad temper and can easily get frustrated and hurt others. Although it makes him hard to become friends, he is loyal and willing to protect those who can do the same to him in a time, and makes sure he uses his temper for good with his magics.