Morine Yuito



9 years, 14 days ago


Name: Morine, Yuito

Nickname(s): Yui 

Age: 18

DOB: Date of birth; the month and day your character was born on [Required]

School Year: Third 

Gender: Male ("He", "Him") 

Height: 5'9 

Weight: How much your character weighs in pounds [Required]

Gang: Wakarimasen

Rank: F

Yan: 0

Battling Style: 

Personality: How your character acts or behaves under different circumstances [Required]
The personality section must be written in either paragraph form or in bullet points with explanations. Remember that personality should make sense in relation to the character’s history and other personality traits; we’re looking for balanced characters.

Likes: What your character likes that defines them as a person; think of activities that they enjoy doing, or favorites

-Playing violin 
-Ice skating 


-Falling after jumps when he ice skates 
-Disappointing his mother/Making his mother upset 
-His step-father 


Yuito's biological father left when he was very young. He doesn't remember him at all. His mother raised him on her own for quite a while. She got him into many different things, thinking that discovering Yuito's talents and likes sooner was the best thing to do. For a few years, Yuito experimented with various sports, dancing, arts and crafts, and more before he fell in love with the violin. For a while, the violin was his only love. He played it everywhere and was convinced that he was going to be a violinist when he grew up. His mother was very supportive about it. 

Then, when Yuito was about 9  years old, his mother started dating a man who was an ice skating coach. His mother and her boyfriend spoke with Yuito and succeeded in convincing him to try out ice skating for fun. Even if he didn't want to do it professionally, it was always good to expand his horizons and try new things. Yuito ended up loving ice skating as much as playing the violin, and was faced with the very difficult decision of which he wanted to pursue seriously. After months consulting with his mother, and a few small talks with her boyfriend, Yuito, aged 10, decided that he would play the violin as a hobby and pursue figure skating seriously. 

Naturally, he was coached by his mother's boyfriend. His mother was delighted that they would be spending time with each other. She was hoping that they would come to like each other, especially since she and her boyfriend had moved from "dating" to "engaged". Yuito, wanting to see his mother happy, expressed to her that he supported her decision and would be perfectly fine with getting a new dad. At the time, he honestly saw no problems with the arrangement. The boyfriend was nice. Yuito liked him and thought that it would be great to finally relate to other kids who had a dad. 

So, his mother and her boyfriend married and the boyfriend, who was now husband, moved in with them. Life was pretty much the same for Yuito. The only thing different was that they had another body living in the house with them. He continued to be trained to figure skate by his step-father, and when he was nearly 14, entered in his first figure skating competition. To his complete and utter joy, he did well and won bronze. 

After a few more competitions, Yuito noticed that his step-father's demeanor started to change. He became more critical, harsher, and slightly abusive with his words, but only when Yuito's mother wasn't around. Yuito ignored it and chose not to tell his mom about it. His step-dad treated her nicely and Yuito saw no reason to destroy her happiness. He knew she had been lonely before he came along and he didn't want to see his mom lonely again. 

He continued figure skating and kept his emotionally abusive step-dad as his coach. At 17, he entered a competition that would be the qualifying rounds for the olympics. He was doing well until the third jump in his routine, when he landed wrong and fell on the ice. Yuito had sustained a significant enough of an injury that he couldn't get back up, and dropped out of the competition. His step-dad was livid and the emotional abuse increased ten-fold, causing Yuito to suffer a mental breakdown and his mother to find out what was going on between the two. She divorced him. As a result of the injury and his breakdown, Yuito missed too many classes to graduate and was told that he had to retake the third year.

Life went on. Yuito, guilty that he had caused his mother to divorce his step-dad, and not wanting to face his mother's forced smiles, decided that he should join a gang to have an excuse to not come home. Although his doctor told him that he could return to ice skating once he was fully healed, he wasn't sure about continuing. He decided on Wakarimasen because they seemed to be the nicest and one that he could easily convince his mother to give him her permission. 

"Mom, can I join a club?" he asked, purposefully leaving out the fact that it was a gang and not a club. 

"Of course. What do they do?" she knew that he was still wary and slightly traumatized by ice skating and didn't question it. 

"Um- laze around and eat pocky. Hang out. Stuff like that." 

"Sure- go ahead! Just come home by seven so you have enough time to do your homework." 


-He's Yuna's cousin on his mother's side. Morine is Yuito's mother's maiden name. He took his mother's maiden name instead of his father's surname. 


-Cell phone