
3 years, 2 months ago


Rainy Jugo

Quiet • Guarded • Cross • Rattled

  • Name Jugo
  • Species Rainbow Serval Mix
  • Gender Demiboy
  • Pronouns They/Him
  • Value $65

A hot mess trying his best.

Design Notes

  • Rainbow doesn't have an exact placement (green on body or tail, color sections can be bigger or smaller, colors shifted, rainbow can repeat, inverse, ect). As long as the entire rainbow is present it works!
  • Lanky with long legs and wide paws.
  • Round lions ears, long cheetah tail.
  • Collar can look like a normal collar, or be simple.
  • Struggles with being expressive, usually looks tense or upset.
  • Never looks happy, only smiles if crying.
  • A bit scruffy and unkempt.
  • Eyebrows are optional, can be pink or white.
  • Hair is fairly short, but is wild and has volume. Usually it hangs in their tired eyes.
  • Hair can also have 'rainbow highlights/shading'.


Quiet, tense, uncomfortable. Closed off, doesn't talk much. Rattled, gets flustered easily, easy to startle/catch off guard. Has a hard time with emotions in general. Always upset but struggles to show anything unless being 'dramatic'. Cries a lot when trying to express anything, making their true feelings very confusing.

Has a hard time getting comfortable, literally and figuratively. Doesn't sleep well, always tired with no energy. Never stays in one place for long, traveler by nature. Is uncomfortable around other people but especially strangers. Has a particular sore spot for being called a crybaby.

Observant but also fixates easily and misses obvious things. Intentionally indulges in things that upset them. Struggles to make, let alone keep, friends but has an an affinity for attracting people toward them.

His name (十五) is literally just the number 15. He has the seven colors of the rainbow, darker shades of them all, and white, for fifteen colors. Has a love-hate thing with his name, finding it uncreative and dehumanizing [as he's just a number]. (Actual number of colors in his rainbow pattern/design is irrelevant)