Josefina Morandi



3 years, 2 months ago


Josefina Amor Morandi, Lionel's First wife.

Born: 1921

Age: 35 (1958)

Height: 5'8

Orientation: Bisexual

Star Sign: ??????

Born into a decently rich Spanish family as a child, Josefina Gallego quickly learned that her place was not going to be very high in society... Because she was reared to be sold. The perfect lover, the perfect housewife and lady, and a fantastic mother. She was simply going to be the doting wife of the highest bidder. It was fortunate then, that when a 21 year-old Lionel came to visit the family to talk about some deals, that he immediately fell head-over-heels in love with the lovely Josefina.
He bought her on the spot.

Although not the most conventional way to meet your husband, least of all when you're only 14, Josefina admittedly loved Lionel right back. He treated her like a goddess, doting over her just as much she did him. He didn't order her around, act an aloof bastard, or abuse her like she had been taught would likely be her normal life, and for that she was relieved.

She is the mother of Regis, Arcanus, Caelius, Corvus, and her youngest addition Seraphina. She always wanted daughters and found herself better at raising Lilibet's two girls than she did her own boys. Lilibet on the other hand was happy to take care of the lads and found herself raising them more like her own than her daughters. So it works out. Because of this switch, the boys have a much more relaxed and calm relationship with their actual mother, though she still is very strict on teaching them proper etiquette and dress... if even a hair is out of place on their heads she will know, and she will fix it.

When Caelius was hurt, she was devastated and mortified that this is what things had come to, but all the same she was there by Lionel's side, reassuring and comforting him. He never laid a hand on his wives, it's the one good thing I'll give him. With her help the bond between him and his children was repaired and made much healthier, albeit it will never be normal or fully trusting. 

She was stabbed in the abdomen about two years months after Caelius was hurt, causing her to miscarry the child she had at the time. It hit her. HARD. She was depressed for months, and rightfully so. But she slowly put herself back together, and she and Lionel managed to conceive once more. That last child of theirs being Seraphina, her little angel.