

3 years, 5 months ago




she / they


jan 21

they only glow deep in
the night on my CRT


  • a very early spaceship ai model turned sentient after fusing with one of the crew members’ consciousnesses in a freak accident.
  • the venture was one of the first crewed exploratory space missions equipped with a functioning ai. unfortunately, it never returned home, its mission cut short after a devastating system malfunction.
  • there was only one survivor, who escaped with the sole escape pod present on the ship. the rest fell victim to the various disasters plaguing the venture.
  • while attempting to get the ship functional, the ai of the venture experienced a massive anomaly, electrocuting the entire vessel. the consciousness of the last living member on board was essentially merged with the system during this event, and once the chaos settled, only 120 remained.
  • a couple of ships have been sent to retrieve the remains of the venture, but none have been able to locate it. it is considered lost & likely consumed by a nearby star to those on earth, but 120 has not let her ship crash yet.
  • they are more unstable than other sentient ais due to their strange origins, and the loss of their entire crew and subsequent isolation impacted them greatly. they haven’t encountered anyone else as of yet, but they hope they aren’t the only one around.
  • the ship has begun growing organic material ever since the incident.
  • her full id used to be VENTURE-120, but she has long since dropped it in favor of just her model number.
  • they perceive themself as a crocodile & can manifest this way on screens around the craft. they typically appear glitched in some way, however.
  • the ship is surprisingly intact from the outside, though the inside has not been touched since the accident took place and is in a state of intense disrepair.
  • there are veins growing across the station, with a beating heart at the center.