


3 years, 2 months ago


name sproutfang

past name(s) sproutkit, sproutpaw

starting age 6 moons [may 2021]

current age 12 moons

gender female

clan skyclan

rank apprentice


level 4
hp 14 / 15

attack 13 (+1)

defence 11 (+0)

agility 15.5 (+2)

charisma 11 (+0)

intelligence 15.5 (+2)

wisdom 9 (-1)



perfectionist, individualistic, steadfast
shrewd, insecure
possessive, blunt, dismissive

Perfectionist: Sproutpaw is a cat that just won't stop doing something until she has got it completely perfect. This usually is related to her training, in which she believes she should be the best out of all of her siblings because she was the Boss growing up and feels like she must keep up to that image. A lot of the time, failing at something will lead to a build up of frustration that she will usually take out on others ( either by shouting at them or insulting, etc ), and she will often exhaust herself trying to get it done exactly right. The molly doesn't like to admit that she's bad at something, so she will secretly keep at it until she can show off how to do it correctly.

Individualistic: Growing up with their parents relatively ignoring them in favour of ensuring Seedpaw was staying strong, Sproutpaw begun to take charge of her siblings, despite not being the eldest and also the smallest out of all of them. Her spirit grew to become especially fiesty, and she often acted like an exasperated mother while trying to make sure they all 'became strong like her'. As they matured, Sproutpaw begun to lag behind her siblings in size wise, and probably overcompensates for this a bit by attempting to keep authority over them. Sproutpaw takes pride in the fact that she doesn't need anyone, let alone her parents or any warrior for that matter.

Steadfast: Despite being relatively insecure, the apprentice will stubbornly stay put with her initial response to something, or actions, etc. This most likely comes down to the fact that she heavily dislikes the feeling she gets when she doubts herself, so she has resolved this by... never swaying from her course. Sproutpaw will usually keep to her word, even if she ends up looking stupid ( although, in her eyes, she doesn't seem stupid, she's actually really brave! ). This is most likely why she tends to win a lot of arguments, because she generally just refuses to backdown until the other cat gives up. Even if someone's feelings are hurt, Sproutpaw will try ignore such things for the sake of winning ( unless, of course, this is against one of her siblings, which she will drop because she doesn't want to have the embarrassment of being related to a crybaby ).
Shrewd: The molly is incredibly smart and calculated when it comes to figuring out how to do something. She can usually use her head to get out of a situation, and will often go for the route that she believes will give the best results. Sproutpaw is pretty observant ( even if she initially comes across as obnoxious ), and will make a note of changing behaviour and small little details that others may not even pick up on. The apprentice may then use this information against someone or improve her own situation, although sometimes she won't be interested enough to even make use of the stuff she's realised.

Insecure: Although she won't ever allow herself to show it on the outside, Sproutpaw is incredibly insecure and feels like she needs to overachieve in order to stand out. This is most likely due to her parents' attention being diverted and focused onto the sick Seedpaw, in which she gained a few issues in being 'overshadowed'.
Possessive: TBA.

Blunt: TBA.

Dismissive: TBA.


  • Sproutkit was born to a large litter of four, with her three brothers named Rootkit, Seedkit and Flowerkit. They were named after the growth process regarding their order of birth: seed, root, sprout and flower.
  • Being born only shortly after the takeover of Blueberry Grove, Sproutkit wasn’t aware of the lost territory, or the chaos ensuing between SkyClan and TideClan, and within her own Clan’s ranks, because of it. She might have heard her parents talking about it, but being in the nursery meant that she was most likely sheltered from it — especially since such talk probably would be banned from such a place. As the weeks go on, however, she would’ve become much more aware and definitely susceptible to the negative feelings towards Lilacstar, even if they were biased.
  • Still being fairly young, Sproutkit continued to remain unaware of the rising tensions within her own Clan and between the two Clans as a whole. She does notice some tension between the adults, but doesn’t really have the understanding to form a coherent opinion on what’s going on, though the words ‘war’ intrigue her. She is nowhere near old enough to fight, but the little kit can’t help but feel some fighting spirit at the mention of it. She was also completely stuck in her own little world, so she didn’t notice the absence of the leader at all — she did, however, notice that her parents were very distracted… although Seedkit’s sickness probably didn’t help with that. Their attention was completely on her brother, which meant she had to “lovingly” annoy her two other littermates in order to receive the attention she was so desperately craving.
  • Sproutkit heard about Tidestar’s and Lilacstar’s deaths through her older clanmates, and felt a little confused about it… she didn’t really get all of the hassle, though she knew that leaders were really important and that was probably why everyone was so obsessed. Russetstar replaces Lilacstar, which the kit is excited about solely because, in leader’s terms, the new leader is quite young. This only drives her own ambition, because she thinks she would make a great leader — her best skill was bossing others around!
  • Apparently the Clans hadn’t been having Gatherings, which Sproutpaw only cared about because she wasn’t yet old enough to go to them. She was glad that they’d at least resumed a few moons before she was expected to rank up — and they better stay that way, or she’ll have to insult the leaders themselves! No one was going to ruin her apprenticeship and get away with it. The rumours of the beasts only caused her to scoff. It sounded like a bunch of nonsense, and the rogues were probably to blame for all of it — they had always been jealous of the Clan cats, so why were her clanmates believing these ridiculous tales? Plus, even if they were real, none of them were as cool or smart or perfect as she was, so it didn’t matter, anyway.
  • Well, the creatures had been confirmed. A patrol returns speaking of an interaction with one they’d named the Ancient Eagle, who understood them enough to initiate a trade. It’s revealed later that TideClan also encountered another aviary, the Ancient Owl, though it had been a lot more aggressive than its relative. The fact that these creatures are sentient doesn’t bother her, because she believes that they’re still stupid anyway, and they still make dirt just like any other creature. What made them special, the fact that they were big? Well, she was small and still special, so Sproutkit was less than impressed. She’s mostly just excited to become an apprentice so she can finally see these things for herself, and do a much better job than the warriors have been doing.

  • Sproutkit is named Sproutpaw and given Stormstrike as her mentor, who she absolutely despises. She thinks that the other molly only has bugs in her brain and runs at anything that makes noise. Sproutpaw couldn’t have thought of a worse mentor for her, and she’s always actively avoiding her whenever Stormstrike tries to talk to her or invite her to do anything. Despite this, Sproutpaw also has an incessant need to make her proud.
  • SkyClan encounters the Ancient Eagle again, though this time it comes with a warning. The patrol that interacted with it were soon after attacked by a pack of coyotes, and beat them due to the warning they had been given. Sproutpaw thinks they’re all a bunch of losers for having to need a giant bird to tell them that a noisy and stinky coyote pack is coming to get them, and lifts her nose at them. She couldn’t care less about what the Eagle’s intentions were, and wished that it would just go away so she didn’t have to hear anything about it anymore. If she ever met it face-to-face, she’d tell it to go shove its head in a hole and stay there.
  • Sproutpaw has to hear about another event by word of mouth, which frustrates her to no end. Some weird tom called Cap’n had apparated around everywhere and told them a load of nonsense before disappearing. And, to make matters worse, the ancestors then sent a foggy vision and called it a day. How amazing. Now she had to go on a bunch of patrols with a bunch of annoying TideClan cats, all while having to be ‘well behaved’ as Stormstrike told her. It sucked, and she couldn’t wait for this stupid mystery to be solved so she could go back to being cool again.
  • The mystery is uncovered and it’s revealed that the Ravager, an Ancient Shark, is at fault for the deaths of the leaders. The Ravager promises to continue spilling the blood of the Clan cats until she has her revenge for her dead children, but is satiated when Rainstar reveals she lost her own children and mate because of the Ravager’sactions. Sproutpaw attended this Gathering… and didn’t really get what all the fuss was about. The leaders died and Rainstar was said — so? Why in StarClan’s name did she had to care one morsel, let alone sit here and pretend she was also grieving? She didn’t know about about Rainstar, and quite honestly believed she would’ve been better of staying back at camp. Sure, finding everything out had been interesting, but it didn’t actually benefit her in any way so Sproutpaw found it increasingly difficult to continue caring about it. The molly was glad that the big shark wasn’t about to kill her when she fished in the ocean, though.
  • Russetstar becomes very aggressive, and Sproutpaw is interested as to why his personality had completely changed. She didn’t agree with his wishes, thinking that thoughtless attacks were stupid and downright meaningingless, though she did enjoy the drama of it all. Hearing the news that Russetstar had died at the Gathering before his plan ever found fruition, with Pearlstar taking his place, had admittedly shocked her. It had come so suddenly that even Sproutpaw found it difficult to pretend not to be interested. She was grateful that his death meant she wasn’t being dragged into any dumb battles, at least — Pearlstar was already much better, because he’d decided to drop that plan quickly after being promoted. Wolfpetal is named Pearlstar’s deputy, and Sproutpaw thinks that such a choice was a poor one because, what, she was big?! Sproutpaw has a bit of a complex when it comes to size…
  • It’s soon revealed that Pearlstar has become completely and permanently blind. Well… that was a great start. Sproutpaw can’t help but sigh at the continuous frenzy of things that keep happening, and she wonders if she’ll ever be able to have a normal life… which isn’t what she wants, duh! Have you even met her? She believes that Pearlstar will only become stronger, despite his blindness, because the alternative is that he’ll be a huge embarrassment and there’s no way that she’s going to be associated with the lame Clan. She’d sooner be a rogue than seem weak because she was a part of SkyClan. If it had been Sproutpaw who was blind, she would’ve lied until the end of her days and she vehemently believes that Pearlstar could’ve gotten away it, if he wasn’t a boring tom wrapped up in caring about the entire Clan. Sproutpaw believes that if anyone is stupid enough to not notice Pearlstar was blind, it’d be all the TideClan cats, so the secret was probably safe for a little while at least.

  • Not yet.


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  • Sproutpaw
    • Sprout — Fits the plant theme that she shares with her siblings; she is the third born.
    • Paw — Common apprentice suffix.
A grey speckled molly with socks and frazzled fur. She has amber eyes.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis auctor elit sed vulputate mi sit amet. Nisi est sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor. Nunc mi ipsum faucibus vitae. Risus sed vulputate odio ut. Ornare arcu dui vivamus arcu.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis auctor elit sed vulputate mi sit amet. Nisi est sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor. Nunc mi ipsum faucibus vitae. Risus sed vulputate odio ut. Ornare arcu dui vivamus arcu.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis auctor elit sed vulputate mi sit amet. Nisi est sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor. Nunc mi ipsum faucibus vitae. Risus sed vulputate odio ut. Ornare arcu dui vivamus arcu.