
3 years, 2 months ago


▻ name: faramund
▻ age: eighteen years old
▻ gender: questioning gender
▻ pronouns: he/it
▻ sexuality: abrosexual
▻ regiment: scout regiment

▻ likes:
horses - faramund has always seemed to have a fondness for horses, something that's never quite gone away.
solitude - the hubbub of the city can often be overwhelming for faramund. however, as soon as he's alone, he's typically much more comfortable.
fire - faramund . . . is a bit of a covert pyromaniac. he finds staring into a fire soothing in a sense.
▻ dislikes:
large crowds - his worst nightmare.
overly sugary foods - faramund finds the flavors to be too overwhelming.
being asked questions - a personal pet peeve of his.
▻ fears:
- abandonment
- the forest at night
▻ why did they become a soldier?: to put it simply, faramund wants answers -- answers that can't come to him within wall maria. faramund joined the scouts for an opportunity to find out more about who he really is -- nothing more, nothing less.
▻ special skills:
wilderness survival - as someone who lived in the woods alone for quite a few weeks, faramund is adept at wilderness survival.
▻ personality: a very introverted individual with a love for nature, faramund is a boy of very few words. he doesn't typically have a lot to say, and can sometimes come off as rather morbid. he has a naturally eerie aura to him, often appearing to be drifting in and out of reality -- however, once you get to know him, it's easy to tell his bark is a lot bigger than his bite. he's surprisingly laid-back and prefers to go with the flow when possible. however, he will resist any attempt to control his actions or choices. faramund sees himself as his own person, and trying to interfere with his own path leads to trouble.
 ▻ backstory: quite a lot is left unknown about faramund -- a boy who was found, still living and breathing, after the fall of wall maria -- and quite a few of his own stories have been contradictory. in some instances, faramund claims that he was raised by a former member of the scout regiment -- in others, he says that his parents were farmers. perhaps it's because faramund himself doesn't quite remember where he comes from -- for a portion of his life, after the fall of shiganshina, he was left alone. forgotten, under the corpses of people he once knew. there's no doubt about it -- faramund's village had been slaughtered by the titans, and, out of his own need for self-preservation, the boy had hidden, using the discarded corpses of his fellow villagers to blend in amongst them.

for a long time, faramund lived in those woods -- he was small and lacked the same physical strength as survey corps leaders, but he was clever. he learned how to stay quiet whenever a titan was near, how to blend into his environment -- how to survive.

a few weeks into his hiding, and faramund was finally found -- a group of scouts had organized an independent mission to find any survivors, to bring them back to the safety of wall rose. faramund was found in the remnants of a cottage, staring into the embers of a fireplace. he didn't say a word as the rescue squad brought him back, eyes glazed over -- not a word was spoken as they asked who his parents were, where he came from .

he couldn't explain it. he simply -- didn't know.

it was as if the memory had been forcefully pulled from his head, replaced with only blurry, disturbing images. faramund didn't think to mention the hazy memories, not even protesting to the arrangements he was given. faramund was to stay with a scout's family, until someone he knew claimed him as one of their own.

deep down, faramund knew that wouldn't happen.

at the age of fourteen, faramund made the decision to join the military. for him, it was less of a duty towards humanity, and more of a need for answers. in the cadet corps, he was noted to be talented with ODM gear, but lacking in brute strength. regardless, he found his way into the survey corps, where his journey to discover his beginnings began  . . .