


3 years, 23 days ago


Shauhma (Ss- how-may) of light

-The youngest of the Shauhma, after the sudden death of the previous occupant
-Optimistic, bright and hopeful for change
-The least respected, as Caseo is very young and most of the others don't understand why he was appointed in the first place. They view him as naiive, and immature.
-Inexperienced, but with a powerful will to do good. A student of the former Shauhma, he impressed him with his good nature and was thus appointed his successor
-Struggles a lot with self worth due to the treatment he receives, but is trying to learn to put his foot down for what he believes in
-Excels in holy magic and healing, and has some of the most historically powerful healing abilities because of his bright nature fueling his willpower to help others
-Extremely unassuming, not large or intimidating- but he can help others to heal otherwise fatal wounds or regenerate limbs in minutes
-The most active and 'present' of the Shauhma, He's always around the pinnacle and doesn't hide away, he'd prefer to be among the other dragonfolk, learning and growing. 

-Childhood friend and mate to Livius