Confused Miqo’te



3 years, 1 month ago


Confused Miqo'te
A'vett Tia
Seeker of the Sun


Sweet • Friendly • Devoted • Impulsive

Confused Miqo'te known as "Terry" is a young seeker in search of his lost memory. He is a member of the supporting cast free company and wants to learn as much as he can from his fellow companions. While not being too bright, Terry's heart is always full in and he will do anything to proctect his friends.The miqo'te is current suffering from amnesia.

“Car- carbuncles” he whispers as the regal xaela nods, they seem so familiar but why? The boy enjoys spending time around the regal xaela and the bashful duskwhite- roch always seems to make him blush and something about the ear scratches the seal gives him to fill him with joy. Terry keeps getting curiouser and curiouser with the ominous xaela and sparkling keeper- maybe Akira also being a miqote could know something about his past? Why was that ominous girl so intriguing- he has so many questions but each time he feels like asking he somehow finds himself waking up in random places like trees and ditches? “I really gotta figure this out huh” he sighs to himself.


  • Carbuncles
  • Au Ra's
  • Ear scratches
  • Company


  • Being short
  • Being alone
  • Water/swimming
  • Moogles
"You end up remembering but then you realise why it is you forgot in the first place"


Gridanian heart

A’vett Tia was born as the only son to two miqo’tes in Gridania who had recently left their tribe due to differences with the nunh. A’vett grew up in the lavender beds where he was often found playing in forests. At the age of 5, a new neighbour moved in with a couple of elezens, a shy young xaela. A’vett instantly became intrigued with the girl as he has never seen an au ra and was never allowed friends with his parents' strictness.

A’vett’s parents were very overprotective and pushed on his studies of the flute a lot so having a neighbour around his age he rushed to befriend the girl. The girl’s name was Yura, Yura Kiba and they instantly clicked, he was the loud adventurous one and she was shy and timid but always at his side. Yura being the only AuRa became an easy target for bullies in which A’vett was always quick to protect her. They two were inseparable with A’vett blind to her clear crush on him. The older the miqo grew the more his parents would fight and get more strict, his father always working and his mother grew controlling wanting A’vett to perfect the flute as it gained her praise as a flute teacher. Despite how controlling his mother came A’vett was always good at sneaking out to see Yura, he would never speak to her about how much his father would drink or the terrible things that went on behind the closed doors to Yura as he was determined to focus on keeping her safe from those who kept trying to bully her.

As time went on it only seemed to get worse for his family, his father was cheating alcoholic and his mother a controlling narcissist, desperate for a way out he saw a flier for an Arcanist school in Ildyshire- it was a boarding school that seemed like the perfect escape but he would not leave without Yura.

“As your father, I expressly forbid it” the young miqo'te froze, his father approaching drink in hand “running off with some scaled freak to learn some magic? What’s wrong with you, your mother will kill you” a hand slapped the boy's cheeks, tears flowing down his soft skin. He knew what he had to do. His father took a long chug before giving the deadliest of looks “You're no son of mine, just a leeching bastard”.

That night he carefully snuck out with his bag of essentials in one hand and Yura’s in the other, he couldn’t stay, his skin was bruised enough and his heart couldn’t take it, it was time for a new beginning.

A new beginning

Hand in hand, the two ran as fast as they could to the cheapest Chocobo carriage porter they could find. Yura felt bad leaving everything behind but although he never spoke of what was happening, his hair could only cover so many marks, A’vett could tell she knew and that was enough, knowing that someday he could open up and she would stay. The two arrived at the school and began struggling to become arcanists. While Yura was extremely smart, A’vett spent most of his time confused, he wasn’t too bright and was set at the bottom of the class. After being threatened with expulsion the two studied together and the miqo'te finally learnt to summon his carbuncle. As the school year went on Yura distanced herself from the boy, he felt lost without her and threw all his time into his studies to impress her. “Am I not enough for you either?” the boy asked, his heart sunk as he saw the xaela who had slowly been avoiding him. The xaela was more confused than the cat usually is “avoiding, dear no, the dance is coming up and i-“ she stared into his eyes before reaching in for a kiss and scratching his ears. He truly had no idea that she had liked him but he liked her too, she left everything for him and he fought for her, it seemed like it was meant to be.

The years went on in the school, the two only became closer in their relationship but somehow word had gotten back home and in a desperate attempt to get him back home, A’vetts mother faked an illness just to get him to return home. A’vett took a short break from school to go care for his mother but once he learnt she was completely fine he knew just how hard it would be to leave her grasps. His mother tried poisoning the poor boy, trying to make him too weak to return or to do magic, she wanted to control and that’s the one thing he wouldn’t give anyone. The more she fed him her toxins the weaker the boy’s mind came, he became very dizzy and often confused and paranoid. Luckily fate was on his side and the elezen neighbours still lived there and although his memory was poor he recalled Yura had been writing home. In a sluggish phase, the boy managed to reach his neighbours who helped him get back to the academy.

Poison in my veins

A’vett woke up in the academy infirmary, he was confused, unable to understand where he was or how he had gotten there. “The damage may be permanent but I’m certain he will be fine” he looked around before seeing Yura crying before the nurse, despite his groggy state and his confusion he couldn’t stand her being sad and rushed to the girl. The amount of potions that he had been unknowingly consuming in his mother’s food has made him have a lasting impact. Despite the hardships he continued his studies, he became less groggy although began a habit of falling asleep in random places with no memory of it. His hope was Yura, she stayed faithfully beside his side helping him wherever she could.

The years passed and the two finished their academy years and were now full arcanists, they had never made a plan of what would happen after the academy so they too sought out to the city of Limsa to join the arcanist guild together. Although A’vett had mostly recovered his sleep episodes still seemed to remain.

The two arrived at Limsa and began living a happy life together, he was free from his parents, he was recovering and was with his best friend, the woman he loved most, it all seemed so perfect. He looked into her ruby red eyes as he pats her soft white hair “I think this will be good for us”.

A day to remember

Today was the day, A’vett was going to propose to Yura, it all seemed so perfect, they were doing so well in the arcanist guild, they had gotten an apartment, even learnt how to ride chocobos together but fate wasn’t on their side that day. The two sought out a tavern to celebrate the miqo’tes 23rd birthday but a brawl quickly broke out at the bar. A group of drunk mercenaries and pirates got violent quickly, A’vett froze in his tracks, they had guns. “What are ye looking at scaley freak” eyes were on Yura, auras had only started immigrating to major cities due to the warrior of light “we don’t need your scum kind here, only true limsans!” The fight only seemed to worsen. Before A’vett could blink a fist was being thrown at his beloved and without hesitation he jamp in front of him but for such a short weak boy, the roegoden fist knocked him right out as he hit his head on the hard floors.

He woke up to a group of people being questioned by the yellow jackets and a large crowd gathered together, time seemingly had passed but he couldn't figure it out. The miqo looked around and saw some blood splatters on the floor as a yellow jacket began taking bar members' guns away. His eyes gazed frantically around the room before seeing his worst nightmare, Yura was shot. Apparently the fight had gotten so bad a drunk pirate tried shooting warning shots but one landed into the xaela. Everything began spinning as he tried to make his way over to her before passing out.

A day forgotten

His eyes slowly open seeing a large crowd, it appears the young Miqo'te has landed in the city of Gridanaia, or at least that's what the sign says, he begins to be in a state of panic, who is he and what are all these people doing? He heads up to a young horned girl, instantly he becomes mesmerised by her beauty and wants to learn more about these horned creatures. Before he can get his thoughts together, another Miqo'te stands tall and announces the joyous occasion of a new company. Not knowing of any other options he joins hoping to find a family and possibly

remember just who he is.

Confused begins to enjoy the company of his beloved peers in the supporting cast, everyone is so kind and patient despite his madness. Something about the AuRa’s really enchanted him but he doesn’t know what it is. Everything seems to be going well until the group head out to a club together and have their introductions- something isn’t right- why does confused not know who he is? Why does he not know anything about himself? In a drunken haze the ominous xaela names the boy “terry” he feels weirdly comforted having a name, he finds it safe. After the bashful duskwight helps A’vett in his drunken state of forgetting how to swim he decides that this is where he belongs, surrounded by people who help him and who could help him unlock his memory.

Current Memory

• Carbuncles feel familiar

• He currently has a large facination for au ra's

• ???????

• ???????

• ???????


• Terry is a lightweight.

• Emerland carbuncles are his favourite due to their colour

• He is an excellent tree climber.

• He picked up lancing because he wanted to poke things with sticks.

• Will willingly drink anything he's given.

• Named his chocobo "Terry Jr".
