Jericho Ingramm



3 years, 1 month ago


Verse: Original (Kostov)

Date: September 10th, 2016

Full Name: Jericho Ceylon Ingramm

Pronunciation: Jer-ih-COH Say-LUN In-GRUM

Nickname/Alias: Goes by J on occasion.

Meaning: Jericho - Moon, Ceylon - Spice, Ingramm - Raven. Sort of to give a hint that she works best at night, is very sassy, and is very independent. 

Origin: Inspiration from city names and names from history.

Title: Ms., sometimes. Otherwise, she has no title. 

Pet Name: Love, sweetheart, fledgling, madam, pup, darling. 

ID Number: When she was temporarily imprisoned in Nexo's dungeon, she was known as #53.

Signature: Narrow and ending in an arrowhead.

Gender: Female

Gender Role: She's sort of a mix of feminine and masculine. 

Orientation: Straight. 

Real Age: 22 years old. 

Age Appearance: She looks 18.

Birthday: Technically, in translation of Earth years/dates, she was born in November on the 23rd.

Deathday: Not dead. 

Birthplace: Shiram, a small fishing village off the coast of the Cordovan mainland. 

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius, maybe. 

Zodiac Sign: ------ Not born in a year that is included. 

Immediate Family: Dawn and Benjamin Ingramm, her parents. Until she was 11, that is. 

Distant Family: None that are still living. 

Parenting: Her mother was very supportive, and though she didn't really want her daughter to become an archery buff like her father before her, Dawn still supported her daughter's choices and husband's teachings. Ben was a little stricter and made sure to teach Jericho all he knew about life and living, though he was softer on her whenever she was being taught about archery. Both parents made sure to pass their knowledge of the combined skills they had to improve Jericho's chances of survival. 

Upbringing: Life can only be lived once. Make the most of your life or else become the amalgamation of all your life's events. She was taught to appreciate those that believed in the rights of themselves and others. 

Infancy: Jericho was a small bab and was often curled up against her parents' breasts when not giggling at her mother or grasping her dad's beard. 

Childhood: She was very adventurous and often left the village to explore the surrounding forests. When she was 5, she came across and activated Kell. Her parents were very surprised to meet him. 

Adolescence: At the age of 11, her parents were killed and she was left to fend for herself, with Kell protecting her. She was quiet and depressed for a year after their deaths, but afterwards she changed for good. 

Adulthood: She became more cold and cynical, and made sure to treat every able-bodied person she first met with the same type of dignified caution that her father always spoke of when teaching her how to duel. 

Coming of Age: Probably at the age of 13. 

Evolution: She was happy-go-lucky and very trusting of strangers at first. That didn't stick after her parents' deaths. 

Species: Human. 

Ethnicity: New Cordovan/Old Tor Nevran (Caucasian)

Blood Type: O+

Preferred Hand: Ambidextrous.

Facial Type: Heart shaped. Chubby cheeks. 

Eye Color: Deep blue. 

Hair Color: Black. 

Hairstyle: Short and fluffy, cropped at the front.

Skin Tone: Pale

Complexion: Fair skin with dark freckles.

Body Type: Endomorph.

Build: Short with powerful legs and arms, chubby cheeks, and thin-ish.

Height: 5 ft, 3 inches. 

Weight: 120 lbs

Cup Size: 34D

Shoe Size: 9 in womens. 

Birthmarks/scars: Two cuts on her right brow, three 'i' shaped gouges down her back.

Distinguishing Features: Mostly, her freckles. 

Health: Pretty physically fit. Has no choice but to be, since she's commonly on the run and always using her arms/legs to get things done.

Energy: She oftentimes wakes early in the morning, catches a nap on Kell's shoulder in the late afternoon, and continues moving until midnight before turning in for the night.

Memory: A little too well, to be honest. Specifically, negative events have harsher effects on her memory and sort of burn into her mind.

Senses: Her eyesight and hearing are exceptional, but her sense of smell, touch, and taste are average.

Allergies: Allergic to nuts and specific types of pollen.

Handicaps: Not really any handicaps, but the fact that she's not exactly tall doesn't make things easier for her.

Phobias: Deep water, being imprisoned, or isolated.

Addictions: A playful 'addiction' to sweet things. 

Mental Disorders: PTSD, perhaps. 

Style: Rangery/Archer. Light leather armor and stuff that's short and harder to grab. 

Mode of Dress: Wears her armor efficiently and rarely takes it off unless she knows she's safe. Her little 'cowl/cape' is shortened by her blades and keeps her face hidden when she finds herself near Cordovan military holds. 

Grooming: Will comb her hair every day, but can only bathe when camped near rivers and lakes. So, not as often. 

Posture: Confident and defensive. 

Gait: Moves quickly and on her toes, ready to draw her daggers at a moment's notice. 

Coordination: Quick reflexes, diligently practiced in using her bow and twin daggers. 

Habits and Mannerisms: Occasionally strokes at the ruby amulet gifted by her mother for good luck or bites her lip when thinking/nervous.

Scent: Burning leaves and cinnamon. The scent's pretty light and is only really noticeable if one is close to her. 

Mood:  Calm, usually. Very collected and sometimes playful with Kell. 

Attitude: Usually coldly until she confirms they aren't a threat. If they are a threat, though, she ensures that they're neutralized. 

Stability: Pretty emotionally stable until drunk. 

Expressiveness: Does her best to hide a majority of her emotions from strangers, but is a little more relaxed around friends. 

When Happy: Hums to herself.

When Depressed: Refuses to speak.

When Angry: Fires arrows into tree trunks or cuts up dummies with her daggers. 

Current Residence: Exists in Cordova, but has no home after her parents were killed. She remains on the run throughout the majority of her life. 

Community: Most of the populace is controlled by King Tybaltus Ta'un, (Father of Nexo, her enemy) who rules the land with an iron, money-hungry fist. These people hate her and want her out. The rest is either suffering folk or Winged Fleet rebels that appreciate her help and companionship. 

Family: Had parents, but they died when she was 11. 

Friends: Mostly Kell. 

Enemies: Prince Nexo Ta'un and the entire royal line. 

Followers: No followers, but perhaps team members? Winged Fleet Captain Sparrow Hathcoat later becomes an ally to Jericho and they help each other with their own personal battles. 

Heroes: Hawthorne Vex, the Cordovan equivalent of Robin Hood. He's a character that existed in a story her mother used to tell her. 

Rivals: The Cordovan King's men, mostly. 

Relates to: Perhaps a combination of Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Robin Hood. 

Pets/Familiars: None.

Wardrobe: Light armor, short cowl/cape, elbow-length gloves, bluish black tunic (under armor), knee-length boots, black leather arm cuffs. 

Equipment: Yew longbow, two iron daggers. 

Accessories: Arrowhead tattoo on her upper right arm and her mother's silver and ruby amulet. 

Trinkets: Blue-feathered arrows.

Funds: Enough to get things like fruit and weapon repairs, but she normally takes care of herself. The only time she ever steals is to help someone in need.

Home: When she had a house, she lived in a large, dome-shaped hut built on an islet in Shiram. It was made of driftwood, oak, and coated in a layer of clay to help regulate the inner temperature. 

Neighborhood: Some ally themselves with the king's ways and are often harsh towards her. Those that suffer the king's wrath are usually more grateful to see her. 

Transportation: Usually on foot, sometimes riding on Kell's pauldrons, and rarely on the back of an elk or horse. (Because Kell hates beasts of burden.)

Collections: Likes to collect flowers when bored so she can decorate Kell's helmet. 

Most valuable possession: Probably her mother's amulet. It's worth maybe 4 pieces of gold. 

Prized Possession: The same possession. It was the last thing of her parents that she had left.

Lovers: None, canonically. 

Marital Status: Available, canonically. 

Sex Life: Isn't really sexually social? Flirts with people when she's drunk, though. 

Turn-Ons: Sass, humor, hygiene, respectfulness. Her thighs, neck, and ribs are also good places to focus attention on. 

Turn Offs: Terrible hygiene, infliction of pain, disrespect to her, disrespecting Kell, demanding sex.

Position: Sub, usually, but will occasionally switch to dom. 

Plays: No specific kinks other than biting and scratching. 

Fetishes: None. 

Virginity: Canonically, she's not had sex. 

Element: Fire. 

Occupation: No "set" occupation, but she gets by with hunting and performing odd jobs for the nearest townsfolk and completing quests.

Work Ethnic: She works very hard and makes sure that the job is done. 

Rank: Is not ranked, as she's considered a lawfully wanted "criminal". 

Income: Very little. She's not at all rich.

Wealth Status: Lower class, by all means. 

Experience: Quite a lot of experience working with butchers, leathermakers, seamstresses, and farmers. 

Organizations/Affiliations: Is neutral for the most part, but aids the Winged Fleet whenever able. 

IQ: High IQ.

Education: Can read and write and understand basic math, but isn't exactly a high-class alchemist. 

School: Homeschooled. 

Grade: Probably a B. 

Special Education: Homeschooled.

Social Stereotype: Probably would be considered a band kid, she really like playing the lute when bored and in a safe place. 

Degrees: None.

Intelligence: Logical/Naturalist.

Extracurricular Activities: N/A

Religion: No religion. 

Morals: Believes in the right to live equally and comfortably for all, and will fight those that try to take that right from others. 

Crime Record: Has stolen from, fought, and killed several of King Tybaltus and Nexo's men. Isn't on good terms with royal authority. 

Motivation: The revenge she'll eventually get for her parents. She wants to kill Nexo and drive his authority out of Cordova for good.

Priorities: 1. The safety of those suffering near her. 2. Her own safety. 3. Her own comfort. 4. Her vengeance. 

Philosophy: Life is short and hard, but there's a lot she can do to improve it. 

Etiquette: Usually very polite until someone pisses her off. 

Culture: Doesn't really adopt the culture of Cordovan people.

Influences: The negative parts of her life.

Traditions: None, really. 

Superstitions: Isn't really superstitious, but is respectful of everyone else's religions. 

Main Goal: To avenge her family and finally find a way to live safely. 

Minor Goals/Ambitions: Success and victory.

Career: None.

Desires: Comfort.

Wishlist: Perhaps a new bow?

Accomplishments: Can climb up to Kell's pauldrons in less than six seconds.

Greatest Achievement: None yet. 

Biggest Failure: Getting caught by Nexo's men. 

Secrets: Is terrified of failure. 

Regrets: She believes it's her fault her parents are dead. 

Worries: Losing Kell or dying. 

Best Dream:  Growing up with her parents and becoming something they'd be proud of. 

Worst Nightmare: Getting caught, tortured, imprisoned, and used by Nexo. 

Best Memories: Fishing with her dad on the Great Bellgrave River.

Worst Memories: The night Nexo had her triple-hook-flailed. 

Hobbies/Interests: Nap on Kell's pauldrons, play the lute, and watch the forests. 

Skills/Talents: Is very good with her bow and daggers, and is average with the lute. Can sometimes use magic, but has no training in it and isn't very good. 

Likes: Music, birdsong, sweet food, watching Kell, helping those less fortunate. 

Dislikes: The royal guard, people that support the king, taxes, squirrels. 

Sense of Humor: Ironic, dark, and sarcastic. 

Pet Peeves: Lute strings breaking, arrows breaking, falling off of Kell's shoulders. 

Dreams/Nightmares: Memories and possibilities. 

Quirks: Presses her head against trees when frustrated. 

Savvy: Tracking and hunting. 

Can't understand: Magic and alchemy. 

Closet Hobby: Making flower accessories for Kell. 

Guilty Pleasure: Sweetrolls, cinnamon buns, strawberry or apple tarts... Sweets. 

Strengths: Talented archer and rogue. 

Flaws: Isn't too physically strong, as in, she can't lift boulders or throw men across rooms. But she's got Kell to do that for her when needed.

Perception: Sees the world rather negatively. 

Conflicts: When she wants sweets and also repairs, but can only choose one. 

Instincts: Checks behind her constantly. 

Lures: Warmth and the promise of safety. 

Soft Spot: Those that are less fortunate or are in need of assistance. 

Cruel Streak: When she has a Cordovan Royal Guard in her sights or within pickpocketing reach. 

Powers/Abilities: Slight magical abilities, but none too fantastical. 

Source: Can heal herself, but it takes a while. 

Ability: Can sometimes not use it correctly and waste energy. 

Weaknesses: Magical inexperience. 

Immunities: Is not easily susceptible to curses, as she's not religious. 

Restrictions: Will tire out if she gets too wounded. 

Alternate Forms: None. 

Extra Anatomy: With the help of Sparrow, she eventually gets an extra charm put on her mother's amulet to have wings for as long as she has the energy to use them. Of course, they drain her energy quickly and she is only really comfortable using them to get to advantage points or get to very low ground. 

Favorite Colors: Reds and blues. 

Favorite Animals: Birds of prey and deer. 

Favorite Mythological Creatures: Dragons and gryphons.

Favorite Places: Near rivers. 

Favorite Landmarks: The Great Bellgrave, since she grew up near it. 

Favorite Flavors: Anything sweet. 

Favorite Foods: ANYTHING SWEET.

Favorite Drinks: Strawberry ale, water, tea.

Favorite Characters: Hawthorne Vex.

Favorite Genre: Adventure

Favorite Books: "The Tales of Hawthorne Vex"

Favorite Music: Anything played on a string or woodwind instrument. 

Favorite Songs: "Fly With Me", the battle song of the Winged Fleet.

Favorite Sports: Archery

Favorite Stores: Any bakery.

Favorite Numbers: 9

Favorite Words: "Sod Off"

Favorite Quotations: "Trust not the highest of nobility."

Least Favorite Colors: Yellows.

Least Favorite Animals: Squirrels.

Least Favorite Mythological Creatures: Harpies and basilisks. 

Least Favorite Places: Anywhere near the royal palace.

Least Favorite Landmarks: The Black Obelisk Prison.

Least Favorite Flavors: Anything spicy.

Least Favorite Foods: ANYTHING SPICY.

Least Favorite Drinks: Stout ale or milk.

Least Favorite Characters: Hawthorne Vex's love interest, Vemilla.

Least Favorite Genre: Mystery

Least Favorite Books: Any magic tome.  

Least Favorite Music: Anything with choirs.

Least Favorite Songs: Any religious song.

Least Favorite Sports: Horsemastery.

Least Favorite Stores: Apothecaries.

Least Favorite Numbers: 11

Least Favorite Words: Arrest.

Least Favorite Quotations: "Bow before the rightful king, slave."

Languages: Cordovan Common (English)

Accent: Sort of British. 

Voice: Colleen Clinkenbeard, but with a slight accent. 

Speech Impediments: Stutters when sad.

Greetings and Farewells: A standard "Hello" or "Farewell".

State of Mind: "I am..well. Although things could be better, I won't complain."

Compliment: "I have to say, miss, your dress is very well made."

Insult: "OI! Sod off, you bloody boar's ass."

Expletive: "Damn you."

Laughter: She laughs honestly and struggles to calm herself through giggling.

Tag Line: "Sod off" or "Eh, no, but"

Signature Quote: "Sod off!"

Reputation: Half of the country hates her and the rest loves her.

First Impressions: Most would be interested or unsure. 

Stranger Impressions: See above.

Friendly Impressions: They adore seeing her and Kell.

Enemy Impressions: Annoyance.

Familiar Impressions: Before they died, her parents were always delighted to see her and happy to see her excited about exploring.

Compliments: Talented, brave, generous.

Insults: Bitch, whore, thief, waste-of-space.

Self-Impression: She's never satisfied with her abilities. 

MBTI Personality Type: ENFP

Temperament: Phlegmatic/Melancholic. 

Role: Leader, Helper. 

Fulfillment: Usually very well. 

Significance: She's personally the culmination of all I wish to be.

Alignment: Neutral Good.

Comparison: A peregrine falcon. 

Symbol: Arrowheads.

Song: "I Just Wanna Run" by the Downtown Fiction.

Vice: Gluttony.

Virtue: Charity.

Defining Moment: When she finally kills Nexo and the world becomes anew. 

Tropes: The suave rogue type.

Originality: The fact that she is bound to something that possesses abilities that she does not.

One Word: Brave.