Motley "Tilt" Thespis



3 years, 21 days ago



- Born in Flaidver

- Parents abandoned her

- Somehow ended up in Patallon

- Was able to blend in with vulpines much easier

- Refined and developed personalities over time

- Infestation began

- Ascension

demons kidnapped Sabine because she had a fuck tonne of magic with her mana pool. So they used her more or less to create a pseudo rift (a magic circle that basically stays open instead of having to make a new one each time or reactivate it. Tilt, already having a reputation with the cities of Patallon assembled a group to go and deal with these towers.  Demons basically siphoned Sabine's magic to these towers where the magic circles were

So after resolving each of the towers, she went up further the mountain to the tower where Sabine was held. Attempting to rescue her and put a stop to it, all the magic from Sabine basically hit Tilt killing her or something? Not sure yet on that. But that's how she got the god tier magic

- There were a total of 6 towers that Patallon initially used as look out towers
- These towers each had a mage stationed at them
- The demons constructed a tower further up the mountain
- The demon tower housed many summoning circles for demons
- Many years go by, the demon lines push past the towers
- Demons convert the old lookout towers into demons summoning circles towers
- Demon group <Insert name here> kidnap Sabine for her powerful magic
- Sabine is imprisoned at the demon tower.
- Sabine is basically used to siphon magic to the 6 mage towers
- Mortal blood is required for summoning circles.
- Sabine tied to the circles allow for "infinite" supply of mortal blood for activation
- Each of the 6 towers now have permenant "open" summoning circles
[9:04 PM]
- Tilt being involved in the demon infestation goes investigate into summoning source
- Tilt and Co. disable each of the towers
- They follow the magic trail back to the demon tower
- Tilt and Co. finds Sabine imprisoned
- Tilt attempts to release Sabine.
- The absurd concentration of magic is released like a mini nuke
- Everyone perishes save for Tilt
- Tilt being the last survivor is viewed as a hero to Patallon gaining a following