


3 years, 2 months ago


Crimson (Kryhga) R. Dragmire

Pronunciation: Cry-guh

Age: Hes like 21 i thibk ell oh ell

Pronouns: He/They/It

Sexu.: hello gay people its me your transmasc bestie who likes men!

Height: Hmm yes 7’11”

Weapons: The Blade of Demise, sand/dirt toss, bandages! And the back of his hand💙

Yiga soldier

Mask: Normal Yiga Mask, the Eye has a Yellow Iris and a red pupil. There is two heart shaped wings on the sides

Yiga Status: Somewhat higher than a blademaster, but keeps it humble and chooses to keep himself around the blademaster level.


Master Kohga - He’s the leader of the clan who’d ya think i was talkin about!? Obviously he loves the top banana and vows undying loyalty to him!!!

- Majora - His legendary niece/nephew. They aren’t exactly fond of each other… but they’re forced to tolerate each other. They’re actually jealous and competitive when it comes to attention.

- Taba - His little love bird, boyfrien <33 Emotionally and physically supportive of each other and love each other romantically to termina and back💙💙💙

Family Members:


-Tinara, Younger Sister, Age 11. Living with her father at the stable. Secretly still cares for Kryhga despite his Yiga status and his father not knowing if he even exists anymore. Kry protects her with his life.


Kryhga is a quiet one. He’s not the type to talk about his issues, either, rather choosing to keep them all shoved up his nose. He, whenever alone, tends to let his feelings leak. He cries a lot when alone, hence his name sounds like “Cry”. When around people extremely close to him, such as his sister, he does tend to have a gentle hint of a sunny side. He’s known to get embarrassed easily and embarrass himself frequently, and he’s also very, very moody. When I said he doesn’t cry publicly, I mean like bawling. He just has tears streaming down his face 24/7 and he doesn’t know why.

Lore: Little is known of Kryhga’s back story, he never talks about his past. Maybe he will someday… -REWORKING-


Cryophobia (Fear of Extreme Cold)

Scoptophobia (Fear of being Stared at)

Hemophobia (Fear of Blood)

Arachnophobia (Fear of Spiders)


Cuccos. He loves Cuccos the most out of all birds. He also likes drawing sometimes…

He really likes bananas, ofc. It’s concerning how many he’ll eat.



The Hebra Region and cold

He also had a lazy eye (left) caused from cross-eye in his childhood. However, it's been replaced by a guardian eye.