


3 years, 1 month ago


A fennec who is VERY fucked up and evil, and a lil bit insane. Loves to cause chaos, often using his psychic abilities to do so. Stuff ranging from creating an illusory construction sign on a highway, to mind controlling a swarm of wasps and having them all terrorize a park, to other much more evil schemes.

He's able to utilize telekinesis and create illusions with ease. With more effort, he can cause one person to see an illusion with incredible detail, and combined with minor hypnotic suggestion can make them believe it is real, to the point where it can damage them physically. 

He also has, as mentioned earlier, some mind control ability. Complete mind control takes a while to establish, and mind controlling a person would take a day for even the most easily influenced. However, he can employ lesser forms of mind control in combat, such as employing suggestion or making his opponent temporarily forget a concept. These effects are brief, but can be good enough for him.

Those under the effects of his mind control also gain his swirly eye (but in all of their eyes). Whenever Vali uses a strong psychic attack, his eyes roll around very quickly, similar to spinning googly eyes around.