


6 years, 11 months ago


Name: Lope

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Physical DetailsFox.

Body Type: Fit, slim.

FurMedium lenght. Soft and looked after.

Hair: Soft and wavy. Prefers to leave them free but when she works hairstyles are the way. Messy bun/ponytail at home.

Eyes: Sharp but kind.

Other defining features/extra anatomy: Well proportionate body except for the ears which are a little bit larger than normal.

Habits: When relaxing she loves an icecream: Mint, creme and stracciatella. Adds little brownies under and at the side of icecream.

Gestures/Mannerisms: Well educated manners, gentle touch.

Clothing style: Girly, fresh. Knows she has a nice body and wants to show it, not vulgarly tho.


Polite with everyone. Competitive, but doesn't get blind by it. Hates children. Needs  to know what she must do when working or she's afraid she'd screw all up. Even tho she would still make it up to her mind. Overall professional. TBA.


Loves/Favorites: Relaxing in spas.

Hates: Loud and sudden sounds.

Hobbies: Visiting new places.

Talents/Skills: Gather people with a friendly attitude

How do others see him: Confident.

Does he/she have a temper? No, just in rare occasions you can see her go nuts

Stingy or generous? Stingy.

What is his/her sexual preference/experience/values?

Heterosexual, bi romantic, doesn't care what they are if she loves them. No problem with 2+ people relationships.


Occupation: Spy (? tba)

Intelligence Level: 8/10

Short Term Goals: Go in the forest and see in tranquility some shooting stars, maybe with someone. 

Coordination/Reflexes from 1 to 10: 7.5