Rennel Ashren (Ren (TG Cafe))



3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info




6'0" ft / 183 cm


Caster (Water)


Making Lists

Cafe / House

The Grimoire / Seiryuu

Favorite Food


Favorite Drink

Iced Coffee




Ren comes from a very large family and is the second youngest son of four siblings. Being the younger brother to two reckless brothers makes him a little more aware of what others may be thinking and he tries to be accommodating. He would go the extra mile to make sure you feel included if you're the quiet one in a group or reach out if he thinks you're feeling down.


He's always considered himself as any other "normal" guy, the boy next door type. This simutaneously made it easier for him to be approached but also stopped him from achieving things that he considered to be extraordinary. He was fine with the basics and being mediocre.


Ren is a smart and considerate person, but his anxieties tend to run pretty strong and make him second guess himself a lot of the time. If he has good ideas, but think they sound better when someone else introduces it. He's indecisive and worries about others and if he's inconveniencing them.


Ren's fathers previously lived in the rural countryside that had them working as mercenaries in a previously war-stricken land. They moved to Topaz City about when he was 11 and decided to settle in due to the optimal location and opportunities. He comes from a large family and considers themselves to be very fortunate, not every family is perfect but he loves them and believes that moving to Topaz City was the best decision as Ivalyo was not the best place to grow up with how renown and idolized both his fathers were there.

 When Raine joined the cafes 3 years ago, he thought it suited him to step into the spotlight and work with Kinjishi,. He didn't think much about it truthfully since he thought it was a glorified cafe job, but after Halloween (E3) and Raine's mysterious scars and no explanation, he started to wonder what else there was behind the scenes. Everytime he confronted Raine about it, he was easily dismissed with 'NDA'  

After The Fourth Ambush and seeing it happen firsthand, Ren came to his brother for more answers only for Raine to refuse to sway him one way or another. He just told him that it's best to stay away from Kinjishi and dropped the topic. After speaking to Reiko and learning what happened, Ren decides he's tired of being passive and waiting on the sidelines and to join in too.


  • Gained bad eyesight from reading under the covers with a flashlight
  • Enjoys fantasy novels, specifically those about magic
  • Despite being younger than Raine, he acts more like the older brother at times.
  • Legally changed his name from Reynolds > Rennel simply because he thought the original spelling looked ugly and it doubles as his Author penname
  • Has no preference of Rennel vs Ren, he's used to "Ren" but fine with both