


7 years, 6 days ago

Basic Info






Dragon / Humanoid




Shapeshift between dragon & human w/ dragonoid features, able to manipulate pre-existing fire



S.O. (Boyfriend)




Kitanya doesn't make a lot of small talk. She only says what she needs to when it's required. She has an extremely sharp tongue and is very straightforward and blunt when she does say something. She's very intelligent and very observant. She doesn't like conversing and would much rather just listen. Almost nothing gets past her, especially in conversations, even if she doesn't seem like she's paying attention. The only person she really converses with is her boyfriend, Xaymond.

She prefers to be in her human form because it's more agile and easier to go unnoticed in. She tends to shift away all her dragonoid features except for the features that she can't shift away which are her aqua scales.

She's easily annoyed but prefers to not act on it. Fighting and the reparations after usually aren't worth her time and effort. Despite this, if a fight were to break out, she wouldn't hesitate to join.

Physical Features: 

In her human form, she has a small and slim build. She is  5'6, a normal human woman height. She can shift her human features most notably her hairstyle and eye colour. She can chose whether or not she wants to shift her wings, horns, gemstones or tail into her human form. She is marked as a dragon by scales on her cheeks, fore arms, shins, and sides of her waist which can't be shifted away. All her dragonoid features have an aqua-purple colouration. Her wingspan is almost 4 meters. Her tail extends 1.5 meters from her tail bone. Her horns protrude slightly less than 20cm.

She has a very elastic style and wears a variety of clothing from very elegant dresses to everyday t-shirt and jeans. She is always found wearing a simple silver chain necklace with a round aqua and purple stone.

As a dragon, she is smaller than Xaymond. From snout to the tip of her tail, she is 8 meters long. She stands at a height of 3 meters. Her wingspan is 10 meters in length. She is much sleeker in appearance. Her scales on her body are all purple with her cheek, waist, fore arms, and shins as the exception. They are aqua and are larger and harder than the rest. A few gemstones lie on her shoulders and hips. Her eyes, underbelly, spines, horns, end of her tail and gemstones are a pale, icy blue. Her wings have talons at the elbow joint, wrist joint, and at the end of each wing bone. Her wings fade from blue to purple with dark designs running through.


She likes to go unnoticed because when she was a hatchling, she was raised in one of the urban cities of the continent. Her mother was also an exiled dragon from the dragon clans who was also shapeshifter. She ran away to the big city after her exile to hide and gave birth to Kitanya there in her human form. As Kitanya grew up, she was aware that she was a dragon but her mother always told her to hide it and keep a low profile. During the Expulsion (a peacekeeping agreement after the dragons vs basically all the other species war) the dragon clans tracked her mother down to bring her along in accordance to the terms of the Expulsion. The dragon clans did not know about Kitanya and her mother hid her from them with a bit of her magic, although Kitanya didn’t know it back then. She only understood that her mother had to go, and she would have to fend for herself. She was under a century old at this point, very young for a dragon, and looked about 12 years old in human years. After her mother was gone, she had to rely on herself to keep herself safe in the city, and no one really noticed when she came and went. She never shifted or used magic during this time. She never really accepted herself as a dragon until Xaymond found her when she was about 300 years old, about 18 in human years.