RP Comfort Meme



3 years, 1 month ago



About Me

Age 23
Activity Semi-Active
Message me on  Toyhou.se

Other Notes
  • I would prefer to write with people closer to my age, mainly cause I like to delve into much darker, more serious topics and would prefer to have an adult partner who is more likely to take these things seriously
  • The Discord I use for Roleplays is a side discord, the ID will only be given out through DMs for those interested
  • When sending a DM, please make sure to state that you want to RP in the subject name
  • Long term or short term threads are fine with me, however if you would like to ship with one of my characters I'd prefer for longer term threads to watch their relationship develop.
RP Location

Google Docs 

Other Notes
  • I'm used to writing on forums more than anything, so if you write on Advanced Scribes or have a personal forum then I'm all for it
  • I don't really like writing through DMs seeing as I like keeping OOC chat and plotting seperate from the actual Roleplay, so if we write through Discord I would prefer to make a personal server for the two of us.
  • I'm also not opposed to writing on Tumblr, I would just need to spruce up my old Roleplay blog

One on One 
Up to 3 
Up to 4 
As Big as Possible 

Other Notes
  • I like one on one Roleplays the best, seeing as I lose interest very quickly if there's a lot of people and it gets to hectic
  • The only exception to this is Poly relationships where each members writes a partner
  • I am okay with playing multiple characters between two people though. Especially if we are doubling up for Canon x OC threads
Post Type

Script Style 

1 or 2 Sentences 
1 or 2 Paragraphs 
2 to 5 Paragraphs 
5+ Paragraphs 
A few pages worth 

Other Notes
  • I am not a big fan of one liners, you can't just give me "He went" and expect me to figure out what to do with that
  • I'm much more inclined to writing with more literate roleplayers. I tend to match length and can easily write anywhere from a single paragraph to twenty depending on what my partner has given me to work with.
  • Do not feel like you have to match my length, as long as you've given me enough to work with in your reply I can write my response
  • My writing style consists of Third-Person, Paragraph Prose. I don't mind whatever writing style you have as long as it is not a script based style.
Preferred Character Types

Don't care 

Don't care 

Original species 

Other Notes
  • I have a large variety of characters, and have no problem writing any gender, or type of character. Besides Feral, I just find Feral based RPs to be very boring.
  • The characters in my Original Stories and comics I'm hesitant to write with, seeing as they have their own stories, development, and ships. I will write a few of them to better develop their personalities, but don't expect long threads from them.
  • I enjoy creating new stories and developing original worlds, that's how most of my original stories and comics came to be. If you have a basic idea we can start with that and develop the world as we go through the roleplay.
  • I am however always down to RP my fandom based characters!
RP Types

Action / Adventure 
Horror / Mystery 
Slice of life / Casual 
Canonical Universes 

Other Notes
  • I'm a big fan of RPing in a Canonical Universe/Fandoms and doing Canon x OC based threads.
  • Any AUs based on Fandoms such as Harry Potter, My Hero Academia, etc. are an instant yes for me
  • Any original developed worlds I'm good with any genre but I tend to gravitate towards more Fantasy or Sci-Fi based ideas.
  • Regular everyday slice of life worlds not matched with either a Fantasy or Sci-Fi element tend to get very old unless matched with a really good plot, I tend to RP to escape reality for a little while. I don't really want to write in a world like the one we're currently in.
  • Angst, Drama, Feels, all that good stuff. Please make sure to tell me your triggers ahead of time just so I can avoid them!
  • As well as Soulmate AUs, if we have and interesting idea, adding a Soulmate element to it always makes it so much better! At least in my opinion.

Must be planned in advance 
Characters must know each other 
Depends on the character & situation 

Exclusive Relationships 
AU relationships with others 

Other Notes
  • For the most part if you're looking to ship with my character we can discuss the idea OOC and then RP for a little while to see if something clicks. Please don't try and force a relationship on my characters though.
  • Friends however get an instant pass if they want to ship with my character, they also get priority when it comes to shipping
  • Unless discussed otherwise all ships with me are exclusive, any one off RPs that turn romantic with other characters are not canon
  • Prepare for slowburns, pining, and a lot of angst though if you're interested in shipping with my characters.
  • Please keep in mind my character's sexualities when looking to ship with them, I will not change this aspect of my character just to satisfy a ship
  • I have specific characters that I exclusively ship with Canon characters, so any interest in shipping with them will be in an AU and will never be 100% canon
Relationship Speed

Slow and steady 
Molasses, I want to suffer 
Depends on the characters 

Other Notes
  • It all really depends on the character, I have characters who fall in love quickly and characters who are closed off to the idea of romance and need awhile to open up
  • I prefer trying to keep things as realistic as possible, regardless of if we both know the two characters are going to end up together.
  • I love romances of all kinds, friends to lovers, soulmates, slow burns. All the cliche romantic tropes, but I do love the extremely slow burn with mutual pining where we have to suffer with how oblivious our characters are for a long while.
  • I do prefer to talk about the realtionship before hand though. Even if it starts off as a joke, we can develop the idea more, throw headcanons at each other, etc. That's how some of the best ships happen!
  • Again, friends get priority with this

Skip the act 
Write build up, skip act 
Only write the act if it's good 
Write the act always 

Other Notes
  • First and Foremost YOU and your character MUST be adults before I even consider writing smut with you.
  • I'm not super interested in writing Smut, if the build up in the relationship is good though I will sometimes indulge in writing Smut, but very rarely.
  • I am okay with writing a build up, and certain points of foreplay but for the most part I would prefer to skip.
  • I am more than okay with discussing headcanons regarding the characters more private intimate lives, as long as they're adults
  • However I do prefer the emotional connection rather than a physical one
Romantic Artwork

Post what I'm comfortable with 
Post but don't show me 
Don't ever post w/o consulting 
Don't care 

Hugs or Cuddles 
Sexual Acts 

Other Notes
  • Normal shipping artwork is totally fine, and very much so encouraged!! You don't need my permission to post it on your Toyhouse, I actually love being surprised with gift ship art of our characters!
  • You're also welcome to commission other artists as well!
  • This really should go without sayiong, but NO NSFW art involving underage characters. Please do not age them up for NSFW pieces that's just gross!
  • As long as the piece doesn't include weird fetishes I'm not opposed to you drawing, commissioning, or posting NSFW pieces of our characters together.
  • If you're not sure please reach out to me and ask about it so I can give you the OKAY or not.

No violence at all 
Discuss it with me first 
Don't care 

Verbal arguments 
Mild (Papercut, Elbow to the face...) 
Normal (Stabbing, Fist fight...) 
Extreme (Torture...) 

Other Notes
  • Please seperate reality from roleplay, some of my characters will do or say things that I don't condone. We are not our characters and I do not condone their actions.
  • I love darker themes in Roleplays, depending on the world and thread violence will be expected and encouraged in threads. Topics such as suicide, self harm, death, blood, murder, drug & alcohol abuse + MUCH MORE are likely to show up in my threads. If you are not comfortable with that I might not be the roleplay partner for you.
  • That being said, I enjoy writing and depicting relationships that might not be 100% healthy, I assure you all abusive and toxic relationships depicted or written will NOT be glorified in the slightest.
  • I prefer discussing big fights or combats first, as well as if we plan on killing or severly injuring a character in the roleplay.
  • I'm not the best at writing fight scene though so please forgive me
Psychological Problems

Neurotypical only 
Discuss it with me first 
Don't care 

Depression or other similar problems 
Extreme personality problems, PTSD, etc. 

Other Notes
  • Real people have all sorts of Psychological issues, I love to keep things as realistic as possible
  • As long as you don't trivialize the disorder, or portray it in an insensitive manner then I am fine with depicting most psychological disorder.
  • Many of my characters suffer with psychological issues, please if you suffer with any of the mental illnesses I'm trying to depict, let me know if I am portraying it poorly or being insenstive!
Dramatic / Violent Artwork

Post what I'm comfortable with 
Post but don't show me 
Don't ever post w/o consulting 
Don't care 

Mental stress or self harm 
Mild depictions (scrapes, bruises...) 
Average depiction (open wounds...) 
Extreme depictions (dismemberment, torture...) 

Other Notes
  • I'm pretty okay with Dramatic or Violent Artwork, if you have any questions or aren't sure please reach out to me and ask about it so I can give you the OKAY or not.
  • However please don't draw my character self-harming.

Base Meme by ElfSama | Edited & Coded by Vom